What Have You Got to Lose?

What Have You Got to Lose?

Earlier this week I wrote about being disappointed with myself over my lack of a writing discipline this year.  I may need to look at my failure to write regular blog posts as another instance of re-routing of my planned journey.

A few months ago I saw a call for articles for a brand new art journaling publication.  Though I have been a “words” journaler for most of my life, I am new to art journaling, having begun to explore this means of creative expression only a little over a year ago.  The theme for the magazine’s first issue is Beginnings.  Since I find myself right now in a world full of beginnings, I wondered if I might be able to write an article to submit to the magazine.  After mulling ideas over for a few days, I sat down and I wrote.  I let the words “ferment “on the page for a few days.  And then I hit SUBMIT.

One of the things that I am realizing as I get older is that there really is nothing to lose in trying.  If you attempt something and don’t succeed, you are exactly where you’d be had you never tried.  If you do succeed, congratulations.   Enjoy your accomplishment.   I spent many years not trying things for fear of failing.  The sad thing is that I personally wasn’t afraid of failing, I was most afraid of my failure disappointing other people.  In this scenario, what remains is a long list of “what ifs.”  What might be different if I had tried x,y, or a?  This is not regret talking, but rather curiosity.  What if I had tried_____?  How would that have changed me, regardless of whether my efforts were met with  success or failure.  Making life choices based on how their outcome might affect others is no way to live.  Yes, this is experience speaking!  Finally I have learned the error of my youthful ways.

All that to say that I figured I had nothing to lose by submitting an article for potential publication in the magazine.  As you probably figured from the graphic above (sent by the publisher of Strawberry  Moon), my article was indeed accepted and will be published in the January 2022 issue of Strawberry Moon.   If you are already an art journaler, click on the link and check out this awesome new resource.  If you have no idea what art journaling is, click on the link and check out this awesome new resource!

Try something new.  You might discover that art journaling is exactly what you need in your life.

What have you got to lose?

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