I woke up this morning with a miserable headache, the kind that makes you nauseous and dizzy and feel pretty much like death warmed over.  I actually stayed home from school today, something I rarely do.  The only good thing about all of that is that I was at home for the beginning of a new project, one that has been in the works for awhile, but, for reasons beyond our control, has taken longer than expected to get off the ground.  As of today, we are on a roll.

What is our project?  You’ll have to follow along here to see.  I will kindly ask that the few of you who know what it is, please don’t spoil my story here.  Thank you! 🙂

The picture above is what This Space looked like this morning.  The light was perfect!

And then things started happening…

The dogs did their part to Watch This Space/

They are helping girls!  Piper was excited that someone else had loosened the dirt for her.  It made her digging much more fun.

At the end of the day, This Space looked like this…

Once the project is done, I will share more of its story.

Until then, stay tuned for Day 2 of Watch This Space!

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