The Road Toward Christmas

The Road Toward Christmas

It was Thanksgiving when I last wrote and now we are only seven days away from Christmas.  Over these last three weeks there were days that seemed to go on forever – mainly those where I was so tired that all I could think of was a nap; but for the most part, time has whizzed by.  Until the last week, I wasn’t sure that I was going to get my act together for Christmas.  There were moments over these past few weeks where I had to talk sternly to myself, saying that it would all be okay, really!

Throughout the month of December, all of the Capture Your 365 photo prompts focused on holiday preparations.  Until last weekend, I had done none.  Continuing to take a photo a day during this time despite having little holiday cheer at my house kept me from completely panicking over the fact that I was so far behind.

Today, thanks to and my school semester being over, I now think that I will make it.  
Focusing on Advent, the time of waiting, has also helped me to maintain some sanity and a sense of calm throughout the first weeks of December.
I missed photographing the lighting of the third candle last Sunday.
Thanks to the new landscaping that we had done earlier in the fall, our backyard, which was normally nothing but brown at this time of year, is full of color.  The yuletide camellias began budding a few weeks ago and now are full of brightly colored red and yellow flowers.

Piper, the newest addition to our family, is full of love for us and for her big dog brother and sister.  Even the cat has decided that things are going to be OK.  It is hard for me to even imagine that this poor little thing was abused.  
Even amidst the craziness of the season, we have made time each week to spend time with friends. Regular “diner dinners”, the wedding of two of our dearest friends, and a few theater productions have been some of the best times this month.
And now, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Piper is not so sure about that Santa Claus fellow.  I think she has been talking to her youngest human sister who, from a young age, has thought Santa Claus creepy.
Though she does like napping under the Christmas tree.
I am thankful to have the next month off with time to spend with family and friends.  I also have lots of things on my ‘want to do” rather than” have to do” list and the time now to actually do them.  What a wonderful feeling!!!
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