Sailing Toward Sixty #9 – Here We Go Again!

Sailing Toward Sixty #9 – Here We Go Again!

On my 56th birthday, I wrote this post, the first in what I intended to be a weekly post about making my way from 56 to 60.  That did not go exactly as planned.  I acknowledged my failure with those weekly posts a few days back and am now starting again where I am, with Sailing Toward Sixty #9- Here We Go Again!

This post’s title is not what you think.

This series of posts got its name from the realization that it was time to start working on my bucket list.  For lots of reasons, it was easy for me to put my personal dreams of going and doing aside.  But as I realized on that December morning in 2016, time is marching by at a faster and faster pace.  I need  to do some of these things before time takes the opportuntities away from me.

#1 on my bucker list was a trip to Alaska.  That happened at this time last year with an amazing group of friends, or maybe I should say, family of choice.  Memories of things I saw, did, and felt are forever ingrained on my heart and soul. Taking that trip made me believe that it is possible for me to realize some of the dreams on my bucket list.

On our long flight home from Anchorage to Dallas at the end of the trip last July, we began tossing around possibilities for Bucket List Trip #2.  Life threw some curve balls at the end of 2018, so it was January of this year before we actually committed to a plan.  But, we did it.  Tomorrow, three of the seven of us that went on last year’s bucket list trip are leaving for Iceland.

At the time we had to commit to the trip, none of us had a whole lot of time or energy to give to the planning specifics.  We trusted our travel agent to point us in the direction of a reputable hotel and a reasonable ground tour and all we did was sign on the dotted line.  Since I have never been to Iceland, whatever we do will be a new and, I’m sure, amazing experience.

So tomorrow, with my camera and hopefully the right clothing, we are heading out – me and two of my best friends.  Bucket List Trip #2 will have officially begun!  I have no real expectations other than to soak up all that I can I what I believe to be a beautiful country.  Whatever memories my friends and I make-good, bad, or indifferent- will, like those made in Alaska, will forever change me.

I’m grateful for this opportunity, for friends with whom to travel.  I’m grateful for a husband who, though he is not interested in this kind of trip, acknowledges that it is important to me and supports my journey…and will take great care of our four-legged family members so that I don’t worry abut them while I’m gone.

Assuming I have Internet access, I will attempt to share photos and words during the trip.  If that doesn’t work out, I’ll be home on July 5th!

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4 thoughts on “Sailing Toward Sixty #9 – Here We Go Again!

  1. Very cool, Kris!
    Can’t wait to hear about your trip and I’m looking forward to seeing your photos. Have a great experience!

  2. Kris, have a great time…. so loving if Weber to encourage and support you on fulfilling your bucket list. Safe travels to you and your friends!

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