Mother’s Day 2008

Mother’s Day 2008

Life tends to place a great deal of emphasis on “firsts”. Though I don’t really remember it, I’m sure my first Mother’s Day was a monumental occasions. When I was pregnant with Erin, Mother’s Day began a nine month period of tossing my cookies. And over the years, each of the girls as made me gifts at school, many of which still occupy places of prominence in my office. But this Mother’s Day may be the best yet. I think this is because the girls are now old enough to figure out their own expression of how best to acknowledge dear old mom. They both did an awesome job this year.

Brooke called home during the day on Friday to say that she had just mailed me a package but it would not get here until Monday. I assured her that Monday was fine. However, we got home from running errands on Saturday and her package was on the porch. It was about 3:30. I had taken about two steps in the door and the phone started ringing. It was Brooke who was excited because she had just tracked her package online and the status was ‘Delivered at 3 pm.

I opened it to find this.

It looks like a mandala. Aw, how sweet. Brookie is meditating on her mommy and she created this beautiful image. Well, sort of . . .
This is actually a giant ferriton molecule. And, it is a very thoughtful gift. For nearly five years, I have had to have IV iron infusions because my ferriton levels are ridiculously low. Brooke decided to send me a little reserve iron. It was accompanied by a note touting her peculiar sense of humor. I love this kid! She also sent a batch of homemade peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, (I know, I am supposed to be sending her the care packages with the cookies. What can I say?), and a mix tape created especially for me. I must confess that I have not listened to it yet but she guarunteedme that I would be entertained. I don’t know about feelin’ the love, but definitely entertained.

Erin also made me an awesome gift. She has lived with a knitter long enough to know that I can never have too many bags. She made these bags for me.

Because we enjoy listening to music together, they all contain song lyrics from country music and Broadway shows that we love. Any time I need a little cheering all I have to do is read the message on the bags and know that I am loved. Erin said that they are all in different colors so that I will have one to match any outfit. That’s my girl and I love her!

Mike and his sister went to Florida to visit their mother for Mother’s Day. The was a much overdue trip. I know it made this Mother’s Day extra special for his mom as well.

He and Erin consulted in advance and he left me this:

I was shocked! Erin had a vested interest in me getting a new camera – she now gets my old one. I have to admit that I am not sure that I am smart enough for this one. I did not have a chance to take it out of the box until this evening and then the battery needed to charge so I have not played with it much. I read through the manual just enough to feel really dumb. For this reason, Erin took the pictures for this post. Maybe I’ll feel smarter tomorrow!

And if all that is not enough, BK is making me a new couch afghan.

Harley tried to show her love as well. She brought me about six inches of a snake who had an unfortunate encounter with the lawn mower. Needless to say, hers was not the favorite gift! Adidas brought me nothing. In the dog realm, he wins.

Happy Mother’s Day to all!

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