Like Daughter, Like Mother

Like Daughter, Like Mother

Today is my 51st birthday.  I didn’t have any big plans, but the ones I did have did not involve being sick.  Last night, I began to feel “not right.”  By ten o’clock or so I was running a fever.  By 12:37 am this morning, the actual time of my birth, I was running a measurable temperature of 102.  I was curled up on the couch wrapped in my purple peace sign covered Snuggie that Weber gave me for Christmas and a tie-dyed fleece blanket.  I suspect that I looked like some bad 60’s acid trip.  The cat didn’t seem to mind though; she was curled up in my lap, probably because I was so warm!  It became apparent that I was going to spend my birthday the same way Erin did – sick.

I had planned to go to the knit shop this morning for just a little while and then my family was to come for dinner tonight.  This morning when I finally woke up around nine, my fever was gone so I decided to go ahead and go knit.  Brooke made me cookies in honor of my birthday to take to the knit shop to share with my friends.  I remember all those treats that I made for the girls to take to school for birthdays and various other celebrations.  The role reversal here seems kind of funny, but much appreciated.

These cookies were full of all the things I like – pretzels, graham crackers, oatmeal, potato chips and chocolate chips.  It was probably a good thing that I didn’t have to make a decision about what kind of cookies I wanted.  It was a safe bet on Brooke’s part to just go with the ones that have everything in them.

By the time I had knit for an hour and a half or so, I was beginning to think that going out was not my best plan.  I could tell that my temperature was creeping up again.  Weber picked me up and brought me some pretty flowers.

 How can one not feel at least a little cheered with bright yellow and orange flowers?

I resumed my position on the couch and slept the rest of the afternoon.  By dinnertime when the rest of my family got here, I had taken some Motrin and my fever was again down.  Thankfully, I was able to enjoy dinner and my birthday dessert.

Brooke made pizza for dinner – one with butternut squash and crispy kale and the other with potatoes and leeks.

There is almost nothing better than homemade pizza.  Except maybe homemade ice cream.  She also made graham cracker ice cream and pretzel and chocolate chip ice cream.  Oh, I did I mention the chocolate and peanut butter torte?  I couldn’t let a pesky old fever keep me from all of this yummy stuff!
As is the case with our family, most of my gifts were food themed – a soup cookbook from Mike and a very cool Bento lunch cookbook and various “accessories” from Erin and Edgar.  I did not do well with taking pictures tonight.  That right there is an indication that I don’t feel very well.  But, the Bento cookbook and accompanying stuff deserves a post of its own, so stay tuned!
Also in keeping with family tradition, I scratched my fifty one $1.00 lottery tickets.  I am usually not the big winner here.  But, this year is my lucky year.  Greatly helped by this . . .
  . . . a $40 winning ticket, I came out a dollar ahead, winning a total of $52!
All things considered, I had good birthday.  Yeah,  I could have felt better; but,  I also know that things could have been a lot worse.  I wish I had taken more pictures – of the pizzas, the chocolate peanut butter torte.  I didn’t.  And that’s just the way it is.
I’m going to bed now in the hope that this bug with which I seem to be keeping company moves on by tomorrow.
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