God Talk

God Talk

Earlier today I was reading a post by another blogger whose work, both writing and photography, I admire. She writes honestly and openly about the joys of raising a family as well as the accompanying trials and tribulations. In this particular post, she says that there are some topics that she chooses not to address on her blog because as she says, “Well, they are mine.” In particular, she mentions her faith and religion in this category of taboo subjects.

We have all probably heard the old adage that you should never discuss politics or religion. In my opinion, omitting these areas from possible discussion almost guarantees that a boring conversation will follow. We also know that the reason that they are to be avoided is because politics and religion are volatile topics, ones that many people approach with a great deal of passion. Such passion is the backdrop for heated discourse, disagreement, and dis-ease. When we are forced to face our personal views on either politics or religion, we are diving deep within ourselves, swimming through those convictions that, in theory, form the very core of our being. They are the moral compass that guides our thoughts and actions surrounding ourselves, others, and the whole world. How we speak about our faith is a glance at who we really are. How we live that faith in the midst of life is a picture that hangs in the gallery of the hearts and minds of all those with whom we interact both intimately and casually.

Those who read my posts regularly know that I do not shy away from matters of faith and religion (or politics for that matter). My faith is such an integral part of who I am that to avoid speaking of it here would be to give an incomplete and untrue picture of myself. In speaking openly about the events of my life and my faith, I set myself up to be judged by others. I allow those who read my posts to align my words and my actions and to then pass judgment as to whether or not the two are contradictory. In short, I have made myself vulnerable to the slings and arrows of anyone who disagrees with or questions me. Fortunately, for me questions and disagreement are a positive thing. When I am forced to answer tough questions or defend my stance in a disagreement, I am also forced to revisit and rethink my own convictions. This is a good thing. This is how spiritual growth is accomplished.

I am confident that I am not always right, that I make wrong choices and decisions, that I am a sinner, that I hope not in vain, that good will prevail, and that God’s love will always strengthen and sustain me.

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