Gingerbread House Build

Gingerbread House Build

Though the Christmas decorations were all put away last weekend (except for the snowman that I noticed in the hall bathroom today), our Christmas vacation really didn’t end until today.  Brooke left to go back to Chicago and Erin started back to school.  It was really nice to have both girls here with us last night.  Erin was a real trooper and spent the night with us so that she could get up at 5:15 to take Weber to the doctor.  Neither Brooke or I are useful when it comes to transportation.

Before Erin got sick on her birthday and the plans were adjusted accordingly, the girls had planned to build a gingerbread house together.  The build ended up being postponed until New Years.  They got a start on it that day, but did not finished.  The work in progress has been on the bar in the kitchen since then.  (Fortunately these things are not actually meant to be consumed!)  Brooke was bound and determined that they were going to finish it before she left.  Though she dabbled with it on her own, Brooke wanted it to be a group project so she waited for Erin to be here to help her.

Stage I
Last night they got serious about finishing.

And it definitely was serious business!

It was fun to see them work together.  I was very lucky that the girls have always gotten along and still do.

Once it looked like they would indeed finish this project, they relaxed and had a little more fun.

The details . . .

And finally, ready for a certificate of occupancy!

The finishing touches were added as the girls were heading out the door together this morning.  Erin dropped Brooke at the airport on her way to class.

I have heard rumors that next year’s gingerbread house is going to be Dr. Seuss themed.  It may take me that long to get all of the royal icing off the counter, but I am looking forward to it!

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