Children’s Literature Meets Adulting

Children’s Literature Meets Adulting

If you have had children or grandchildren in the last thirty-five years, you are likely familiar with Laura Numeroff’s book If You I’ve A Mouse A Cookie.  This a witty book that teaches children about cause and effect in an entertaining circular story.

With apologies to Laura Numeroff, here is my version of a cause and effect story…when kiddie lit meets adulting .



If you give adults  a house, they will want to plant a tree.

After they plant the tree they will want to water the tree so it will grow tall.

When it grows tall it will also produce berries.

When it produces berries, birds will come to nest in it so they can eat the berries.

When the birds eat the berries, they will also poop the berries.

When the adults park their car in the driveway under the tree, the birds will poop berries on the car.

When the bird’s poop berries on the car, the berry-rich bird poop will ruin the car’s paint and the car will have to be completely repainted.

When the car comes home with its new paint job, it will want to live in the garage instead of on the driveway under the tree with filled with pooping birds.

The car can’t live in the garage because there is a pandemic and the adults converted the garage into a home gym because the real gym is closed.

When the car hears this, it is sad.

When the car is sad, the adults feel bad so they decide to build the car a brand new portico.

When they draw the plans for the brand new portico, the engineer says that utility wires to the house need to be raised  eight feet higher.

When the adults hire an electrician to raise the wires, they discover that the tree is in the way so they have to hire someone to come trim the branches on the tree before the wires can be moved.

When the branches on the tree are being trimmed, one of the branches falls on the wires and breaks the one for the phone and the Internet.

When the adults call to schedule the repair, they are told it will not be fixed until the next day.

When the adults learn they would be without the Internet for a day, one of them is happy and the other is not so he figured out other ways to still have internet access.

Wh the wire is fixed and the tree is trimmed, work on the portico for the car begins.

If you give adults a house, there is always something that needs doing and nothing happens as you planned.

Disclaimor: The information in this story is for general information only.  Any advice or recommendations are made without guarantee on the part of the author.

That’s me!

I hope you smiled a little.

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