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Category: writing

New Look, Same “Stuff”

New Look, Same “Stuff”

I started this blog on December 27, 2006, a day before my 45th birthday.  If you do the math, on December 28th of this year All In A Day will be five years old and I will be fifty.  What better way to celebrate both of those monumental anniversaries than to give my blog a makeover.  So, why did I do it today, July 23rd?  The simplest answer is because I could.  It is too hot here to do anything…

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Top 10 Excuses . . .I mean Reasons

Top 10 Excuses . . .I mean Reasons

TOP 10 REASONS WHY I HAVE NOT BEEN BLOGGING10. The endless opportunities for TV watching on Dish network have consumed all my free time.9. My computer was overtaken by our Alaskan neighbors and everything appeared in the Cyrillic alphabet. 8. All my fingers were broken while playing in the beach volleyball world championship, thus making it impossible to type. 7. I was on an archaeological dig looking for signs of a lost civilization. 6. I’ve been busy writing the next…

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Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith

The bookstores are filled with stories of those who in times of personal strife suffer a crisis of faith. I must admit that I have never been fond of such stories. My idealistic self has always thought that in our darkest hours faith was the only thread that would hold things together, that when humanity fails us, God’s love will prevail. My suspicions and hopes have been proven true in the last few months. Life has been on the chaotic…

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