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Category: writing

Happy Birthday To Me

Happy Birthday To Me

I wrote my first blog post on December 27, 2006, seventeen years ago.  Over those years, A LOT has happened in my life.  My mother died three days after that post, I got divotced and remarried, my girls have graduated from high school, college, and grown to be working adults.  Offspring No. 2 has married and given us two grandsons, the pandemic has happened, I retired and then unretired, just to name a few of those things.  Also over all…

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Random Acts of…

Random Acts of…

I am now a month into summer vacation 2019. As is the case with everything these days, I have no idea where the time has gone. Thus far my break can be summed up as…random acts of…. Today I find myself examining these last four weeks more intentionally, trying to identify in concrete terms exactly what I have done, what I haven’t done, and what I want to be doing with my days. This exploration will hopefully lead me to…

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Sailing Toward Sixty #5 – Moving Off of Auto-Pilot

Sailing Toward Sixty #5 – Moving Off of Auto-Pilot

I was out of town last weekend at Click Away, a photography conference primarily for woman, but there were a few brave men who attended, Weber being one of them.  We met several of my Capture Your 365 photography friends in Amelia Island, Florida for some fellowship and some sessions to hopefully help our grow our photography skills. As I was packing to go, I realized that I was excited about the photography element of the trip, but I might…

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Creation, Devastation, Restoration

Creation, Devastation, Restoration

Thoughts in response to Harvey and Irma.   Creation, Devastation, Restoration By Kris Baker Loving God, In the beginning, You created the heavens and the earth, light to separate the darkness, sky to divide the waters above and below, and dry land to set apart the lower waters. On the dry land You created flowers and trees with seeds to bear life and fruit. In the sky You placed lights to illumine the darkness and to nourish the seeds of the…

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Another Beginning

Another Beginning

Last Monday marked my fifty-first first day of school.  Some of those years were as a student, some have been as a professor, and the years in graduate school were both as a student and a teaching fellow.  That is a lot of years of school!  Most days I still love it.But, having not taught summer school for the first time in many years and thus having a peek at what retirement might look and feel like, I have to…

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It’s Been Too Long!

It’s Been Too Long!

It hurts my heart to admit that I have not written a single post here this year.  I have been writing, just not here.  One of the places where I do write almost daily is in my Morning Pages Journal.  This is a discipline that I have had for many years, one that fuels me creatively, intellectually, and spiritually.  Though this writing is not fit for public consumption, it is was inspires me to write in other places.  Over the…

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Jumping Back In!

Jumping Back In!

The calendar says that fall will be here in two days, but for my creative self, it is spring that is dawning after a five month dormant season here.   Unlike the plants and animals who know that they need fall and winter to rest and rejuvenate, I was unaware that my spirit was longing for that time.  I have been doing other creative things, including other types of writing, but in the past few weeks, I have been hit…

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54/365-2 Crowded Around

54/365-2 Crowded Around

“Dare To Be Different!” Today was a busy day with not much time to think about what to photograph.  Considering that, I do like the way this came out, but I have to say that I think that it has more to do with luck than skill. I particularly like this quote.  It is one that has taken me a lifetime to embrace; I am almost there.   On a different note regarding “being different,”  I wish that my schedule…

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Contracting Friendship

Contracting Friendship

Time flies when you’re having fun, at least that is what “they” (whoever “they” is) say.  The reality here is that time flies whether you are having fun or not.  I have had a crazy start to the school year – lots of little things that have kept me just enough off-balance that writing here has not happened.  I have written a little for other things and I want to share that here. Earlier in the summer I came across…

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