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Category: Weber

Sailing Toward Sixty #7 – What’s Up With the Weather?

Sailing Toward Sixty #7 – What’s Up With the Weather?

So what’s up with old, older, old-ish, people over fifty and their fascination, or maybe it’s an outright obsession, with the weather? When my dad retired from the Navy, my parents moved back to their home state of Delaware where, at the time, my grandmother still lived.  Almost every evening from 1985 until 2012 when my grandmother passed away, my dad, the the dutiful son, would call his mother to check on her.  Inevitably, the conversation always began with, “How’s the weather over…

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The Many Shades of Friendship

The Many Shades of Friendship

It’s been a whirlwind of celebration and good times around our house for the last five days or so.  I know how blessed I am to be able to say that as there are so many people in the world who have nothing to celebrate and not much to call good in their lives.  My hope is that I’ll never take any of the gifts of this life for granted. A good friend flew in last Thursday to spend a…

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And Here It Is June…

And Here It Is June…

So what have I learned lately? My desire to do is greater than my ability to do. My intention, once school was out was to write more.  I have done that…just not here, which was not the plan.  I thought that I could keep up here, with my regular Pixels, Plates, and LOLs posts, and writing every day for Blueper B…oh, and a photo a day for him and for me.  Then there was stuff like preparing meals, and laundry,…

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A Whirlwind Week

A Whirlwind Week

The past week seems to have flown by!  Last weekend we were in Baltimore because I had a NOAH board meeting.  Though it was a quick trip and I had little free time, I enjoyed the getaway and change of scenery.  Weber and I did have a bit of time to wander around Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Friday afternoon before my meeting began at 6. It was interesting to see another lightship.  My dad was instrumental in restoring a similar…

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A Vase, Photoshop, and Rumi

A Vase, Photoshop, and Rumi

Today’s Capture Your 365 photo prompt was color.  I love color!  This should have been so easy for me.  I am discovering though, that the prompts whose subjects are those about which I feel deeply connected are the one’s that are most difficult for me.  I suspect that I over think them. I finally decided that i would buy some colorful flowers this afternoon at the grocery store and photograph them in a colorful hand blown glass vase that Weber…

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Let’s Talk About Today

Let’s Talk About Today

My day began early and with the following two posts on Facebook:1. “The time needs to change.  Getting to school in the dark is just not right.”2. Note to self: Beginning a 7:30 ear training class with harmonic dictation in the minor mode is not a good way to start the day.And so went my day.  It had an early and rough start, but by my 9:00 class, things were moving along fairly well.  Five classes later, I was done teaching…

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95/365-3 Gathered Together

95/365-3 Gathered Together

“Easter Afternoon” Between six church services in the past few days, dinner last night with family, and lunch this afternoon with friends, there has been much gathering together in our life over the past few days, but none of it did I photograph.  This afternoon, once Jesus was raised and all else was said and done, it was a quiet afternoon with just the two of us at home.  I managed a few shots before Weber took a nap in…

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91/365-3 Sundown

91/365-3 Sundown

“My Sunshine at Sundown” Today’s prompt of “Sundown” suggested that twilight provides beautiful light to capture warm skin tones.  Weber volunteered his skin tones for today’s prompt.  I think he may have also figured that if he agreed to be totday’s subject on this first day of the month that he might be off the hook for the next 29 days.  Wrong!  The Ptactice Portraits class that I will be taking starts next week.  Hopefully there will be some advice…

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45-53/365-3 Another Round of Catching Up

45-53/365-3 Another Round of Catching Up

February seems to have whizzed by and I have no idea where it has gone!  All month I have been making lists of things that I need to do and I have actually crossed a goodly number of them off, but it seems that I am adding new things faster than I am removing accomplished tasks and the lists continues to grow.  The good news in all of this is that I have gotten a lot done, both things that…

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