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198/365 Begins With “S”

198/365 Begins With “S”

“S is for Strawberry” I waited way to late in the day for this one – after choir rehearsal and a few beers at a local night spot with choir members as we celebrated our last rehearsal before leaving on Monday for our two week tour in England.

86/365 Hunt

86/365 Hunt

“Hunting For Food” The only hunting going on around here is hunting for recipes for the weekend’s meals.  I want to try making Scotch Eggs.

Walk the Walk

Walk the Walk

If you are a regular visitor here, you know that I often walk to and from school.  To me, living close enough to do this is such a blessing.  Maybe I feel this way because of the fact that I can’t drive.  If I can walk, I’m not dependent on or burdensome to others.  Or maybe it is simply because I like to walk. Yes, there are days when it is cold or hot or  I am tired.  Yes, I…

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That’s Better, Santa!

That’s Better, Santa!

For reason I will explain in my next post, I found myself yesterday afternoon at the same mall where I spent last Saturday afternoon. What are the chances? I have lived in Dallas for twenty-seven years. In the past eight days, I have doubled the number of times I have set foot in this particular mall. I was glad to see that with only a week until Christmas, Santa is beginning to get serious about his job. He is no…

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Please Don’t Ruin My Picture!

Please Don’t Ruin My Picture!

Yesterday I said that when travelling it is important to have a sense of the place you are to visit before arriving. With regard to the practical, this is true, but after thinking about my statement, I believe that it needs a few caveats. I have been reading the writings of St. Francis himself as well as the words that others have written about him for nearly vtwenty years. I have seen many images of this saint in icons, book…

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An Automatic World

An Automatic World

There is no question that we live in an automatic, electronic, remote controlled world. We have lights that turn on when you clap (or the dog barks, or the cat knocks something off the kitchen counter, or it thunders and the power has not yet gone off), electric toothbrushes because we wouldn’t want to burn an extra calories by actually having to move our arms back and worth, and then there is the sacred remote control. At my house a…

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