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117/365-2 Square

117/365-2 Square

“Welcome To The Party!” My dad lives in the first town in the first state.  Needless to say, history abounds.  I love to walk through the old churchyards and read the markers on the graves.  I took several shots of interesting headstones today, but when all was said and done I liked this one best.  I think this is because the shallow DOF and bokeh make it look like there is confetti falling, like there is a big party going…

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115/365-2 At Last

115/365-2 At Last

“40 Years In The Garden” This photo is of a statue in my dad’s garden, which was my grandparents’ garden. I have been looking at it for over 40 years. I was really too tired to carefully think through the photograph, but I learned several things from this photo. 1. Check your camera settings. Somehow my camera was set on VIVID, thus the bizarre coloration. 2. Though we don’t always know why, every shot we take is done so for…

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114/365-2 April Showers

114/365-2 April Showers

“Late April Shower” This has been a __________ week.  I’m not even sure what word or words to put in that blank; and frankly, it is probably better that I don’t try to figure it out.  I suspect it would not be pretty! Obviously this entry is being posted a day late.  Let me explain why.  We are in Delaware again this weekend, having left Dallas early this morning.  When we got home from school yesterday we had to do…

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Weekend Update

Weekend Update

Here are some random thoughts on my weekend. I much prefer going to bed a 2am to getting up at 2am. Dallas traffic is a breeze at 3am – even LBJ and the construction around the airport. Our flights were not conducive to nourishment.  Our first flight departed at 5:15 am.  None of the vendors in the airport were open yet.  We connected through Charlotte, a 2.5 hour flight.  Food is only available (for purchase) on flights that are three…

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246/365 Back to School

246/365 Back to School

“School Buddy” It seems that for most of my life that I have been on the quest for the perfect purse.  Well, maybe not my entire life – just since I had to start carrying a purse and we all know when that was.  And still, at 51, I have yet to find the perfect purse.   Today I had an epiphany and realized why that is.   As I mentioned a few days ago, school has been a part of…

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