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Reflecting on Francis

Reflecting on Francis

With prayers for a blessed rememberance of Brother Francis…What might Francis say to us today?What Now, Francis?Waste notyour tears on me.on what wasor could have been,maybe should have been.Save your weepingfor those who live-the hungry, the thirsty, the cold,the sick, the beaten down, the longing-for those who still have breath.Turn all of your tears to hopeTo fuel God’s work-the death of injustice, pain, and suffering-with joy.Cry not for me;I have eternal life in Christ.Weep only,as I do,for God’s hurting people…

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Behind Yet Again!

Behind Yet Again!

And yet again I am playing catch up…serious catch up this time.  Time seems to be my nemesis these days.  No matter what I do, I cant seem to stay ahead of the game.  I have a lot going on right now, things that are pulling me in what seems like a million different directions.  The only way that I am maintaining even a tiny piece of sanity is to just take one step at a time and know that…

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40-44/365-3 Catching Up!

40-44/365-3 Catching Up!

Wow!, I just dont seem to be able to keep up with it all right now!  Between school responsibilities, the tasks of working on my dad’s estate, and NOAH, I am struggling to stay afloat.  I knew that I was a few days behind here, but I didnt realize that I hadnt posted a single photo all week.  Where did the week go? Though I really dont have the time, I do manage to make the time each day to…

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10/365-2 A Habit

10/365-2 A Habit

“Group Hug” Let me start by saying that this IS NOT the photo I was going for today! My intention was to photograph a hug. We do have a habit of starting and ending each day with a hug and by saying “I love you.” I am a firm believer in never saying anything that you wouldn’t want your last words to be. That said, the dog photo was a photo bomber. She quickly made herself comfortable between us, as…

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The Rest of October

The Rest of October

Dear Blog and Blog Readers,I am sorry that I neglected you during the month of October.   October became a whirlwind month of travels both literally and on the emotional roller coaster of life.  Now that the month is over, I can look back and see that in the difficult days, there were also many blessings.  In this single post, I am including most of the photos from October and the story of my last month.  As you will see, some days the…

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209/365-2 What I Enjoy

209/365-2 What I Enjoy

                                                      “In the Air” Well, spending the day on airplanes and in airports is not exactly how I like to enjoy myself, but we are traveling to be with my dad on his birthday tomorrow. That is something to celebrate. I also always prefer aisle seats on the plane. It’s that claustrophobia thing again….

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174/365-2 Under the Sun

174/365-2 Under the Sun

“”Reunion”  I got my undergraduate degree in North Catolina but moved to Texas as soon as I had graduated.  When we travel to and from Delaware, we have a connection through Chatlotte, North Catolina.   On today’s trip we decided to take a twenty-four hour layover in Charlotte so that I could reunite with my college roommate and my other very best friend from college.  None of us has seen one another in 25 years. In those years since we…

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162/365-2 Near the Water

162/365-2 Near the Water

“Near the Park” It is true confession time.  I am addicted to photography.  We have to be at the airport tomorrow morning at 4am for a 5:15 flight.  I am almost finished packing.  I just had to get my picture posted and then I’ll finish up.  Weber graciously took me to the park tonight because, other than the water in the kitchen sink, there was not much water to be near at home.  It was a beautiful evening to be…

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146/365-2 A Vision of Freedom

146/365-2 A Vision of Freedom

“Freedom” “America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ”  Abraham Lincoln The greatest number of American lives lost in a single war, 650,000, were lost in the Civil war, a war fought on our own soil Today I am thankful for all the freedom that I have – that which I am given because of the sacrifices of others and which I have because I had…

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