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While I was in Minneapolis over the weekend playing in the snow, work on this space continued here at home.  Thanks to my hubby who took Friday’s photos. Work continues tomorrow…



There is not a whole lot to see today though a lot of work was done.  With most things, the important work is done at the beginning; it’s these steps that will make or break a project yet when all is said and done, no one even knows they happened…unless you are watching this space day by day. These poor guys spent much of the day breaking, digging up, and hauling rocks.  No fun! Theyperservered and in the end triumphed….

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I woke up this morning with a miserable headache, the kind that makes you nauseous and dizzy and feel pretty much like death warmed over.  I actually stayed home from school today, something I rarely do.  The only good thing about all of that is that I was at home for the beginning of a new project, one that has been in the works for awhile, but, for reasons beyond our control, has taken longer than expected to get off…

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A Day at the Dallas Arboretum

A Day at the Dallas Arboretum

Despite having and annual pass to the Dallas Arboretum, we haven’t been in almost a year.  We have the discussion that says, “You know, we should go to The Arboretum.”  “Yeah, we should.”  And that’s the end of it.  We allow other things to come first, to push this out of the way.  I’m not even sure I know why that happens; it just does.  I was determined to go this fall.  Fall is my favorite time of year and…

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Thoughts on Facebook

Thoughts on Facebook

I was definitely late when it came to jumping on the Facebook bandwagon.  I took the plunge into social media because, in the summer of 2013, our church choir was touring England and someone had set up a Facebook page so that we could share photos and daily blog posts with our church family at home.  The only way to post my photos to that Facebook page was to have a Facebook page of my own as well.  So, I…

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Creation, Devastation, Restoration

Creation, Devastation, Restoration

Thoughts in response to Harvey and Irma.   Creation, Devastation, Restoration By Kris Baker Loving God, In the beginning, You created the heavens and the earth, light to separate the darkness, sky to divide the waters above and below, and dry land to set apart the lower waters. On the dry land You created flowers and trees with seeds to bear life and fruit. In the sky You placed lights to illumine the darkness and to nourish the seeds of the…

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Life In Black and White

Life In Black and White

  At the beginning of each new school year, I feel like I need to justify my existence to my students, or perhaps it’s their existence in my classes.  I teach the final three semesters of a four semester music theory and ear training sequence.  Most musicians, unless you are super nerdy like me, probably would not take music theory if it weren’t required to get any kind of degree in music.  I explain to my Theory II class that…

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Toothaches and Sin

Toothaches and Sin

This is the daily devotion that I wrote and was published as part of our church’s daily devotion ministry. Don’t ask me how I know so much about toothaches and sin. 🙂 ______________ A gift from Kris Baker, Order of St. Francis and St. Clare at #cohdallas, a United Church of Christ congregation, today’s devotional is based on the following scripture : ScriptureLust gets pregnant, and has a baby: sin! Sin grows up to adulthood, and becomes a real killer….

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Me on Mother’s Day

Me on Mother’s Day

A nice and calm Mother’s Day today…Offspring No. 2 and her significant other took me out to lunch after church.  Then we, the mamas of four-legged fur babies went shopping for them.  When I got home I took a few photos, played with the dogs, and wrote a final exam.  It was an OK day.

Five Fabulous Finds – October 2015

Five Fabulous Finds – October 2015

Back when I was being faithful to my blog, I did a regular post each month called Five Fabulous Finds.  In most cases it was a silly list of things that I had come cross during that month that were either new to me and that I found interesting, fascinating, edifying, or just plain fun.  As part of my ongoing effort to get back in the swing of things here, I am reinstituting that monthly post today.  It WILL appear…

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