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Cheap Kinky Boots

Cheap Kinky Boots

As a musician by profession, it will come as no surprise that I love going to live concerts.  I also love live theater.  What I don’t like is how expensive tickets to these things can be. “Good” seats for both can cost hundreds of dollars.  It is not that I don’t think experiencing these things as a member of the audience is worth the money.  I know first hand how much time, energy, sweat, and money is needed to produce…

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Random Acts of…

Random Acts of…

I am now a month into summer vacation 2019. As is the case with everything these days, I have no idea where the time has gone. Thus far my break can be summed up as…random acts of…. Today I find myself examining these last four weeks more intentionally, trying to identify in concrete terms exactly what I have done, what I haven’t done, and what I want to be doing with my days. This exploration will hopefully lead me to…

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Sailing Toward Sixty #7 – What’s Up With the Weather?

Sailing Toward Sixty #7 – What’s Up With the Weather?

So what’s up with old, older, old-ish, people over fifty and their fascination, or maybe it’s an outright obsession, with the weather? When my dad retired from the Navy, my parents moved back to their home state of Delaware where, at the time, my grandmother still lived.  Almost every evening from 1985 until 2012 when my grandmother passed away, my dad, the the dutiful son, would call his mother to check on her.  Inevitably, the conversation always began with, “How’s the weather over…

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Sailing Toward Sixty #2 – Let’s Talk About Knitting

Sailing Toward Sixty #2 – Let’s Talk About Knitting

So, let’s talk about knitting. Why is knitting something that is associated with grandmas, which are associated with being old? Neither of those things is a given.  All knitters are not grandmothers and all grandmothers are not old.  I’ve known women who have become grandmothers by age forty.  Forty is not old by anyone’s standards. Nonetheless, the stereotype of an “old lady” is a grandmotherly-type woman spending her day in a rocking chair knitting the hours away.  You know…this doesn’t…

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Sailing Toward Sixty

Sailing Toward Sixty

This morning at 12:37 am my 56th year of life ended and my 57th began.  With this day comes feelings of gratitude, joy, amazement, and a need for some quiet reflection. Age has never really been a big deal to me.  I have no problem honestly telling someone my age (except the young cashier at the movies who kindly gave me the senior discount, presumably because of my white hair, when I was 49) if they ask.  I always tell…

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November 2017: Five Fabulous Finds on the Fifth

November 2017: Five Fabulous Finds on the Fifth

Several years ago, I used to do a “Five Fabulous Finds” blog post at the end of every month.  I shared a list of five things that I encountered during the month that I found to be fun, useful, interesting, or perhaps just odd.  Every now and then, some of the things may have even been fabulous, but I used the word fabulous more for its alliterative quality rather than its descriptive one.  I am going to revive these posts beginning today,…

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And on Day 7, This Space has a two foot concrete wall. The city inspector has nothing on these two.  They have sniffed every inch, inside and out, and agree that This Space passes inspection. As I said in my last post, the concrete is the end of phase one.  Unfortunately, the latest information we have says that it will be approximately four weeks before we move into phase two.  The delay is due to the weather issues earlier in…

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Today was concrete day. I know.  Concrete doesn’t make for very interesting photos, but it makes for excitement as far as the project goes because this marks the end of phase one! Yep.  Phase one is a wrap. According to the city as well! We are not sure exactly when phase two will begin so you may get a break from looking at wood and concrete pictures!  I promise things will get a little more interesting soon!Watch WatcUntil then, here’s…

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We are a week into this project and progress has been steady.  Today was the slowest day in terms of change but that’s all good.  We had to wait on inspectors before anything else can happen and it rained, which would have stopped progress anyway.  The inspectors came and were impressed with the caliber of work that the crew is doing.  That was good news!  We are clear to move on to the next phase tomorrow!  And no rain in…

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Since I am at school during the day when most of the work is happening here, I have almost the same experience each day as those of you following along here.  I leave in the morning with a picture of what things looked like and come home to a whole new world.  Thank you to those of you who are following along!  I love reading the comments about what might be happening in this space  I’m afraid that some of…

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