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What Have You Got to Lose?

What Have You Got to Lose?

Earlier this week I wrote about being disappointed with myself over my lack of a writing discipline this year.  I may need to look at my failure to write regular blog posts as another instance of re-routing of my planned journey. A few months ago I saw a call for articles for a brand new art journaling publication.  Though I have been a “words” journaler for most of my life, I am new to art journaling, having begun to explore…

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In the Age of Miracles

In the Age of Miracles

A month from today I am running the 10K race, virtually, as part of the St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend.  Several of the items on my 60 by Sixty list involve running goals.  One of them is to run a 10K and the other was to run with my friend Becca in a St. Jude’s run over the summer.  The pandemic kept the latter from happening, but I am still committed to running for St. Jude.  I wrote about “the…

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Children’s Literature Meets Adulting

Children’s Literature Meets Adulting

If you have had children or grandchildren in the last thirty-five years, you are likely familiar with Laura Numeroff’s book If You I’ve A Mouse A Cookie.  This a witty book that teaches children about cause and effect in an entertaining circular story. With apologies to Laura Numeroff, here is my version of a cause and effect story…when kiddie lit meets adulting . Enjoy! ______________________ If you give adults  a house, they will want to plant a tree. After they plant…

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Singing a Requiem Mass is not on my 60 By Sixty list.  Maybe it should have been.  As a church musician, I have sung many Requiems in my forty years as a chorister so this is not about singing “a” Requiem.  It’s about singing a Requiem today, November 2, 2021.  Tonight was the first time that our full church choir has sung together since March of 2020.  For choristers who, under normal circumstances, would make music as an ensemble multiple times…

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Cop Out or Compromise

Cop Out or Compromise

November 1, only 58 days until my 60th birthday.  Here is how the last year of my sixth decade of life is shaping up. I began the year having created a list of 60 things that I  wanted to accomplish by my sixtieth birthday.  The long and short of it is that at this point I have checked many items off the list, but there are also a number  that are likely not going to happen by the end of…

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The Long and Winding Road

The Long and Winding Road

I often say that all I need to face the day is a good cup…or three….of coffee.  This day made me edit that notion to say, “All I need to face MOST days is a good cup of coffee…or three.”   The issue was not with the day itself; rather, it was the fact that I was on a liquid diet all day with nothing at all to drink after midnight until sometime the next day.  If you are making…

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Getting Physical

Getting Physical

Most of the things on my 60 By Sixty list are fun and exciting, but not all of them.  As I was approaching my 59th birthday last December and finishing my list, I realized that in 2020 I had neglected routine healthcare.  I had no physical and no mammogram.  The only thing I did was my regular dental cleanings.  Because I skipped out on these appointments last year, I added a complete physical, mammogram, and colonoscopy as numbers 55, 56,…

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Let’s Procreate!

Let’s Procreate!

(2021 The 100 Day Project 3/100) Number 36 of 60 on “the list” is to participate in The 100 Day Project this year.  This purpose of the project is simple: choose something that nourishes your creativity, do it every day for 100 days, and share your process online.  What you do and how you do whatever it is that you choose to do is up to you.  Beyond the intention to create something each day for 100 days, there are…

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Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk

I grew up hearing adults say that you should never discuss politics or religion with your friends.  As a kid, I didn’t think much about that because…well, even if I had discussed either of these two topics, the conversation would have been very short.  As I matured, I realized that politics and/or religion shape most, if not all, of our adult worldview.  Why would people not want to discuss these things that are seemingly so important?  It seems that if…

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It Is Time

It Is Time

It Is Time (An ode to Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021)   On this date four years ago, I watched alongside others In the U.S. and around the world As the duly elected new president Was sworn into office With an oath in which he promised to “faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Though I did not vote…

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