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10/100 Good Enough

10/100 Good Enough

Ten poems is ten days.  I have to look at what I have accomplished rather than what still lays ahead of me to have any hope of completing this project.  If, at the end, I have written 100 poems and two are three of them are respectable, that will be good enough.

7/100 How Do You Do It?

7/100 How Do You Do It?

  I learned at age fifty something that apparently after forty years of loading dishwashers that I was doing it all wrong. 🙂  I also learned after fifty something years that method and style of dishwasher loading may cause more friction in relationships than do finances, how fitted sheets are folded, and how many dogs is too many. My friend Jim and I have had many hysterical conversations on our morning walks about how neither of us knows how to…

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6/100 You Choose

6/100 You Choose

  This is not the poem that I thought I was going to write when I put pen to paper this afternoon.  I suspect my original thoughts were not well-formed and/or unfocused.  These short verses ended up in the middle of something where they really didn’t fit.  I’m not sure that they should stand alone, but for today they are. The good news in all of this is that I still have the other part of today’s writing with which…

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Poem 2/100 The Story Of My Birth

Poem 2/100 The Story Of My Birth

The 100 Day Project  2/100 A Note: The WordPress text editor does not support the formatting that I use in my poetry.  To circumvent that issue, I have to post the poems as screen captures.  This is why they appear slightly fuzzy.  My apologies!  Maybe during the next ninety-eight days I’ll find a better workaround.

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