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Category: travel

203/365 Framed

203/365 Framed

‘A Plan and A Plane” This is a very quick photo before we head out the door to the airport.  Stay tuned for pictures from England over the next two weeks!

201/365 Shades of Blue

201/365 Shades of Blue

“Packing Shades of Blue” Sorry, I forgot to post this yesterday. Shades of blue should have been a no-brainer for me.  Everything in my physical world is blue because blue makes me happy.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have a whole lot of time to give to this today.  We are leaving Monday for two weeks in England and so were busy getting stuff gathered and packed.  As I separated my clothes into the stacks of requisite concert black and the other…

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178/365 One

178/365 One

“All Saints Episcopal Indian Mission Altar” This evening I had the opportunity to visit the All Saints Episcopal Indian Mission and share a meal at their First Nations Kitchen.  All of the food was locally grown and organic.  We had buffalo stew (a first for me and it was a little “chewy”), cornbread made with pumpkin, wheat rolls, salad, and a berry cobbler.  Feeding people is a mission of this community. What a blessing it was to share a small…

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Pigmented Ponderings

Pigmented Ponderings

NOTE: Every now and then someone else wants to share their thoughts here.  Before posting such things they are given fair warning that they are subjecting themselves to being guilty by association.  All appropriate waivers were signed by this most recent guest blogger before this was posted. Over the weekend of July 13-15 I had the incredible experience of being at the NOAH (National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation) Conference in St. Louis. I am not going into details here…

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Nickeled, Dimed, Dollared, and Tried

Nickeled, Dimed, Dollared, and Tried

We are leaving for Delaware this morning to attend my grandmother.s funeral on Monday. This post will chronicle getting from Dallas to Lewes, Delaware. Obviously since this trip is because of a funeral, it was not planned in advance. I made our reservations last Monday using Expedia. I know that the airlines used to have what the called bereavement fares; the one time I inquired about flying under such conditions, the fare was actually higher than the regular ticketing. In…

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Hat’s Off!

Hat’s Off!

It has been five days since snow blanketed our area . . .and much of the ground and steps and deck here are still covered. In the 27 years that I have lived in North Texas, the snow has never lingered this long. Usually, ice and snow cover the roadways early in the morning when decisions about school closures need to be made; by lunchtime there is no evidence that the snow and ice had been there only hours before….

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Looking Back

Looking Back

On this day, September 11, 2010, nine years after the attack on this country that forever changed the lives of all of us, I feel like I should have something profound to say, something that adequately reflects what that day in history means to this nation and the world or what we have done as a nation and a world to heal the deep wounds inflicted on September 11, 2001. Or I should be able to offer some words of…

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Going to the Chapel . . .Finally

Going to the Chapel . . .Finally

About the time you think that nobody ever reads these silly blog posts, someone chimes in and says, “About a month or so ago you said something about telling us about a dog chapel. Are you ever going to do that?” I love you guys who humor me by reading what I write. I love your comments; I love your encouragement: I love the accountability that the comes from having readers like you. Okay, I am not so keen on…

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The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture

Despite the trials and tribulations of our trip to Delaware that I recounted yesterday, we did have a wonderful trip. Lewes is a quaint town full of friendly people. Everything necessary is within walking distance – except the AT&T store. We walked “uptown” for our morning coffee, strolled the streets visiting the unique shops, and spent the evenings walking to the beach and enjoying the beautiful architecture and gardens that line the streets. Below is a sampling of the sights…

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Let’s Talk About Stuff

Let’s Talk About Stuff

I know it looks like I can’t make a plan and stick to it since, despite my promise to write more regularly, it has been so long since I last posted. This time, it really is not my fault. Sometimes the circumstances of life intervene and the plans and ideals that we strive to live by just aren’t what is happening. So it has been the last few weeks. Weber, Erin, And I travelled to the coast of Delaware to…

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