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Category: travel

164/365-2 Dangerous

164/365-2 Dangerous

“The lightship Overfalls” This image doesn’t represent dangerous, but somewhat the opposite.  Lightships, no longer operational, were once used as floating lighthouses warning sailors of dangers on the water.  This one has been restored as a historical and now is open for public tours  My dad was integral in securing grants to support its restoration as well as having the Overfalls recognized as a National Historic Landmark. If you’d like to know more, click here.

163/365 In the Grass

163/365 In the Grass

“Beach Grass” Despite the fact that I got very little sleep Wednesday night because at midnight I was still packing and we had to be at the airport at 4am on Thursday morning, we had a smooth trip and thus far I have not noticed anything that I forgot.  All of that is pretty much a miracle. It was overcast and misting when we got to Delaware.  In my weird little mind, it was perfect.  There is such a calmness…

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118/365-2 The Number Four

118/365-2 The Number Four

“Four Inches” I had hoped that on our trip home from Delaware we would either depart or arrive at a gate with the number 4 in it or that our seats would be in a row with a 4.  No such luck.   After I got myself squared away for school this week, I sought something for today’s photo.  Fresh out of ideas and inspiration,  I was counting on the muse and the muse seemed to have already gone to…

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252/365 Routine

252/365 Routine

‘Routine Breakfast” This week is all about photographing the details of daily life – both the ordinary and the extraordinary.  The above shows how we begin almost every day – well, how we begin after we smack the snooze on the alarm a few times, stand in the shower in an effort to become coherent, get dressed wearing clothes that hopefully match and finally stagger out to the kitchen for that first cup of coffee.  The coffee is accompanied by vanilla…

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249/365 On the Left

249/365 On the Left

“Left on the Street” We are in Portland this weekend for a NOAH gathering.  I am traveling light.  Translation: I forgot my card reader for my iPad so posting from here is a little tricky; but, where there is a will, there is a way. I didn’t take many pictures today because much of the day was spent in airports and on planes.  Tomorrow we are doing the tourist stuff here in Portland so I’m hoping for a good photography…

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218/365 Personable

218/365 Personable

“Martin” Meet Martin.  He was our bus driver for the two weeks that we were on tour in England.  Not only was he an amazing bus driver, he is an all-around good guy.  He was always cheerful and patient.  He also went way beyond the call of duty – retrieving items that people had left in previous places, using his personal time to scout out eating spots for us when we had tight schedules and risking a ticket to drop…

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217/365 Dainty

217/365 Dainty

“Arrival” We arrived home safely from England.  Though there seemed to be signs of heightened security in the airports, the process and the flight were fine.  I am tired, but it is a good tired, the kind of tired where you know you had fun, you are glad to be home, but would do it all again given the chance. I was too tired to give too much thought or energy to today’s picture.  I found these few things as…

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216/365 At Eye Level

216/365 At Eye Level

“Bob, Bokeh and Big Ben” You may remember that my intention at the outset of this trip was to photograph Bob every place that we went.  As it turned out, that was a little unrealistic.  Every place was so crowded that taking the time to set up silly shots with him was not feasible so I had to let that idea go.  I am kind of sad about that, but it is what it is.  Tonight, on our last night…

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