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Category: travel

218/365-2 Just Enough

218/365-2 Just Enough

“On the Way Home” I am behind here.  This is the photo for Wednesday, August 6th.  We had an adventure traveling home from Delaware to Dallas yesterday.  It was all good, but we got home very late.  Blueper B had quite a day.  He wrote about our travels on his blog yesterday.  I guess I spent too much time helping him and not enough time on my own writing. This is an image of Weber and Blueper as we were leaving…

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215/365-2 Hang Ups

215/365-2 Hang Ups

There are lots of interpretations of “hang ups.”  The first thought that crosses my mind when I see these words is all the weird little idiosyncrasies that I have – the bedspread being perfectly straight, nothing on the kitchen counters, needing to be extremely early for airline flights, having meals that consist of more than one thing… Yeah, I am a little weird, but I am perfectly willing to embrace the quirky person that is me.  All that said, personal…

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196/365-2 Red

196/365-2 Red

“Unpacking NOAH” This photo is more appropriate to this blog post than it is to the photo prompt “red,” but it will have to do double duty here if I am to have any chance of catching up with posts and photos! Traveling to the NOAH  (National Organization for Albinism and Hypo-pigmentation) conference was an awesome adventure all the way around.  We spent lots of time enjoying food, fun, information and time with friends both old and new.  Many of us have…

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194/365-2 Beautiful Light

194/365-2 Beautiful Light

“Airport Fountain” I am way out of sorts as a result of our trip to San Diego.  I am still catching up on photos and have taken them out of order.  It feels strange to be behind, but that is the way of it.  We have had quite the adventure over the past two days trying to get home.  Though we are tired, it was all good.  More on that later. This photo is for the prompt from last Sunday….

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192/365-2 Gone Fishing

192/365-2 Gone Fishing

“Pacific Sunset” I am missing my photography time!  I think I now know what an addict going through withdrawal must feel like.  I am finding myself very uncomfortable with the fact that I have no time to give to taking pictures.  We did get to the beach for just a few minutes tonight right at sunset.  I  am sure there is someone fishing out there somewhere:-)

191/365-2 On A Windowsill

191/365-2 On A Windowsill

“Have A Coke” This was taken a few days ago.  I love this bottle of Coke with my name on it.  It was given to me by one of my friends at the NOAH conference.  It is so hard to find things with Kris spelled with a “K” rather than “Ch”.  I wonder what prompted Coke to do this. Weber and I celebrated our fourth anniversary today.  We had a fun day but unfortunately it was a day that resulted…

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190/365-2 Left Behind

190/365-2 Left Behind

“Left Too Soon” This is a grave of a young girl who obviously left behind many loved ones.  This photo was taken in a cemetery in San Diego’s Old Town.

175/365-2 Explore

175/365-2 Explore

“Baggage??” After almost two weeks of being away, we are finally home. I spotted this little girl in the airport this afternoon.  I can’t decide whether it is super cute or kind of sad.  She seemed perfectly happy to be set aside with the pile of luggage. I wish that I took better pictures with my phone.  This image had potential, but I don’t get good quality images with my phone camera. I think it is user error, but I…

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169/365-2 A Field Trip

169/365-2 A Field Trip

“A New Addition” It was too hot in Delaware today for any extended field trips.  The best we could do was walk to the pub up the street for lunch and some air conditioning.  On our way home, we were lured into a store along the way by this furry orange and blue critter.  He wanted a home.  We were not convinced that we were the right ones to give him a home, but he was.  Why?  He said it…

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