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Category: travel

Power Food

Power Food

No fifty-something year old woman with no children or grandchildren around and who is fairly competent in the kitchen should be making a special trip to the grocery store to buy cream cheese, pretzels, Cool Whip, and Jello, all to be used in the same recipe…and be excited about it.  But, this is exactly where I find myself today.  I partially blame my Sifted Together blog buddy, Tracey, for this predicament in which I find myself.  She gave me a…

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What’s Really Important

What’s Really Important

I never quite made it totally to Christmas this year.  I loved Advent, that time of waiting, of reflection,  of trying to not get caught up in the commercialism of Christmas.  I “did” Advent so well that I didn’t even get the Christmas tree put up until December 20th.  And by that time, other than some outdoor lights on the front porch, I wasn’t inspired to do any other decorating.  Usually I seriously decorate the mantel and hearth, as well…

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Friends With Faces

Friends With Faces

I wrote this post on Friday June 3.  I was writing on my phone and on a plane.  I intended to post it here, bust somehow managed to post it to Facebook only.  The Blogger phone apps are not the greatest.  So, many of you may have already read this. Since I first heard about online dating, I was a skeptic.  How could you possibly get to know, really know, someone online?  How do you know they are who and…

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A Whirlwind Week

A Whirlwind Week

The past week seems to have flown by!  Last weekend we were in Baltimore because I had a NOAH board meeting.  Though it was a quick trip and I had little free time, I enjoyed the getaway and change of scenery.  Weber and I did have a bit of time to wander around Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Friday afternoon before my meeting began at 6. It was interesting to see another lightship.  My dad was instrumental in restoring a similar…

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18/365-3 Balance

18/365-3 Balance

“Balance and Sacrifice” We are in Delaware going through all of the stuff in my dad’s house. It was my grandparents so there is two generations and then some of family “stuff” here. I am trying to make decisions about what to keep for me and for my girls, what to donate, what to auction, and what to get rid of. I am doing my best to be realistic about what we can use and what we have room for…

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16/365-3 Snowflakes

16/365-3 Snowflakes

“Snow Geese”” According to my Garmin Vivosmart wristband, I had one hour and fifty-four minutes of sleep last last.  I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I spent most of the day working on material for my new joint blog project (  That meant that at midnight last night I was just beginning to pack for our weekend trip to Delaware. We had a 5am flight, which meant getting up at 2:30am to leave for the airport by 3:15.  We had…

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333/365-2 Thankful for an Early Start

333/365-2 Thankful for an Early Start

“Home for an Early Start to the Holidays” Most of the day was spent traveling, but we did make it home in time to attend a holiday party at some friends’ home.  It was a nice early start to the Christmas season.  OK, maybe it isn’t really early for the rest of the world, but I am so far behind that it feels too early for Christmas to be in full swing.

327/365-2 Thanks for Unfamiliar Places

327/365-2 Thanks for Unfamiliar Places

“Road to…” We are back in Delaware for the week.  It will be strange not to be at home for Thanksgiving, but we needed to make a trip back east and this worked out to be the best time. I took a walk down the road in the late afternoon.  I have been walking on this road almost all my life yet it is beginning to feel a bit unfamiliar.  On “our’ end of the road, the houses date from…

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