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Category: thoughts

What Day Is It Anyway?

What Day Is It Anyway?

My world has always revolved around the academic calendar.  I calculate every day and date around the start and finish of my semesters.  I know what day of the week it is based on my MW or TR Thursday schedule.  For the past several summers, I have taught summer school so my reference points have remained in tact all year long.  This summer, however, I am not teaching and I realize that half the time I have no clue what…

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About the Pot

About the Pot

I ordered a new pot last week…a four quart dutch oven.  I’m not sure why I ordered a new dutch oven other than it was on sale and it is a pretty blue.  I don’t have a dutch oven and I make a lot of meals that could be prepared in a dutch oven, but I do have lots of sauce pans and stew pots that have served me quite well up until now, so I could have easily done…

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One Down, Fifteen To Go

One Down, Fifteen To Go

Week one of the Spring 2017 semester is over.  Let me just say that re-entry was tough!  Though I never really slept late over the holiday break, I was not up any day at 5:30 like I have been every day this week.  This adjustment to my morning alarm would have been much more tolerable if I had made a similar adjustment to my bedtime, if it also had moved three hours earlier.  I missed that step.  The result?  Three…

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One Little Word – Nourish

One Little Word – Nourish

For body, mind, spirit Growth, health, and good condition. In one word, NOURISH. KEB 1/2/16 For a second year, I am participating in Ali Edwards One Little Word project.  This project invites you to choose one word that you will work with throughout the year.  The word should be one that helps you grow personally and perhaps helps you to reach a goal or goals.  I attempted this project last year.  My word was Order.  Although I did make some progress…

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No New Year’s Resolutions

No New Year’s Resolutions

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.  Instead, I prefer to think that I am setting new goals for myself in the coming year.  What’s the difference?  A resolution is “a firm decision to do or not do something.”  A goal is “the object of a person’s ambition or effort, an aim or desired result.”  I think my issue with resolution comes in the word firm.  That makes the idea of keeping to resolution sound so strict, so harsh, so inflexible….

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Friends With Faces

Friends With Faces

I wrote this post on Friday June 3.  I was writing on my phone and on a plane.  I intended to post it here, bust somehow managed to post it to Facebook only.  The Blogger phone apps are not the greatest.  So, many of you may have already read this. Since I first heard about online dating, I was a skeptic.  How could you possibly get to know, really know, someone online?  How do you know they are who and…

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Optimist or Pessimist: Your Choice

Optimist or Pessimist: Your Choice

There was a time in my life when I was indeed the pessimist.  Not anymore.  That is a tough existence! This photo is the result of camera settings that were totally wrong.  But, it worked for today’s photo prompts around fastener and blue.  Let’s just say it ended up being a happy accident! I had three finals to write tonight and another set to grade.  Even after many years of practice, I am still terrible at multi-tasking so in trying…

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Thanksgiving and Shopping

Thanksgiving and Shopping

Over the past few weeks there have been different lists of retailers going around on social media, A list of those retailers  that will be open for shopping on Thanksgiving Day and another of those that will be closed.  This information has been shared and shared and shared in an effort to get us to boycott those stores that believe that consumerism is more important than time spent with friends and loved ones.  Until this morning, I was on board…

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A Vase, Photoshop, and Rumi

A Vase, Photoshop, and Rumi

Today’s Capture Your 365 photo prompt was color.  I love color!  This should have been so easy for me.  I am discovering though, that the prompts whose subjects are those about which I feel deeply connected are the one’s that are most difficult for me.  I suspect that I over think them. I finally decided that i would buy some colorful flowers this afternoon at the grocery store and photograph them in a colorful hand blown glass vase that Weber…

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