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Category: teaching

276/365 Everyday

276/365 Everyday

“Where I Spend My Weekdays” MOst of my weekdays are spent at school.  Sometimes it really does feel like a home away from home. I work with wonderful people and have the privilege of teaching great students.  In both respects, I am very lucky and I try never to take that for granted. I am grateful for today’s prompt because it encouraged me to document this place where I spend so much time.  I walk this hall a hundred times…

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262/365 Morning Light

262/365 Morning Light

“School Day Sun” I had to scramble for a photo today.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays I teach from 7:30 am to 1. That doesn’t allow for much opportunity to photograph the morning sun.  It was barely up as we headed for school.  I managed to grab this shot with my phone as I quickly made my way through the hall at school.  I bet we don’t have too many students who know that there is this beautiful stream of light…

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189/365 One Flower

189/365 One Flower

“Crepe Myrtle” I probably shouldn’t say this, but I am getting tired of taking and looking at pictures of flowers.  Don’t get my wrong, I think flowers are beautiful, but there comes a point where I just want to enjoy the real thing rather than photograph them.  The only reason that I attempted today’s prompt rather than going off on my own tangent was that it encouraged us to photograph a single flower from a different or unique perspective.  …

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94/365 Brand New

94/365 Brand New

“Kimchi After Class” I had a brand new culinary experience this evening, Korean food.  Several of my students, Weber, Brooke and I enjoyed an amazing dinner tonight thanks to one of my students whose family owns a local Korean restaurant.

Word of the Day

Word of the Day

We have come to that time of the semester where I am forced to give tests. I don’t really like giving tests. In fact, I hate giving tests. It seems to me that they never really adequately measure a student’s grasp of the material over which they are being tested. Tests merely give a somewhat accurate reading of how well students holds up under the pressure of a testing environment. That said, I have to give tests. The powers that…

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What’s Missing?

What’s Missing?

When I was redesigned my blog, I debated with myself as to whether I should change the description of what I do here from “musing on the life of a teacher, mother, writer, knitter, human being.”  My role as a mother has changed since I began writing my blog, but I am still a mother.  Fortunately for my children, they have moved on to college and beyond and no longer serve as an unending source of material for posts.   Though…

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Questioning Questions

Questioning Questions

Questions are an integral part of my life both personal and professionally. Speaking on a personal level, the ability to inquire, to ponder, to cogitate has been the primary vehicle for growth and transformation throughout my life. I am not fond of asking “why?” For me intrigue lies in asking “what if?” As a teacher, questions consume a good bit of my working hours – this may be in the form of students seeking answers to their burning questions or…

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