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Category: school

107/365 A Sign

107/365 A Sign

“In Big Trouble With the Big Cheese” Rick Maxwell, aka the “the big cheese,” is our division dean and this is a photo of our shared refrigerator in the faculty workroom.  I think someone had the wrong idea about what shared really means!  How could they take the boss’s cheese sticks?

94/365 Brand New

94/365 Brand New

“Kimchi After Class” I had a brand new culinary experience this evening, Korean food.  Several of my students, Weber, Brooke and I enjoyed an amazing dinner tonight thanks to one of my students whose family owns a local Korean restaurant.

65/365 Full Speed Ahead

65/365 Full Speed Ahead

“Making Butter” One of the things that we treat ourselves to is homemade butter.  Unlike many foods made at home, it is not cheaper to make butter than to buy it, but it sure tastes better.  Making the butter is one of Weber’s self delegated chores.  So tonight he made butter and I took pictures.   The mixer has to be on “full speed ahead” for the process of cream becoming butter to work.  I took lots of pictures of…

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58/365 Essential Equipment

58/365 Essential Equipment

“Reality :1, Creativity: 0 For Monday through Thursday, this is the essential equipment I need to get through the day – lesson plans, keys, name badge and a pencil.  I have accepted the fact that Wednesday’s photos are not going to be my most creative; however, this is as real as it gets.

50/365 A Tree

50/365 A Tree

“A Tree Begging To Be Noticed” I am fortunate to be able to walk the mile and a half to and from work (school) each day.  This way I get some exercise and am able to do a little to reduce my carbon footprint.  As I am walk, I am usually thinking about my destination – what do I need to do when I get to school or what is waiting for me when I get home.  On the edge…

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36/365 Nap

36/365 Nap

“A Long Week Ahead” I thought today’s picture would be a piece of cake.  There is always some furry four-legged critter napping around here somewhere.  Harley is usually asleep on the couch.  Adidas is usually in Weber’s chair and Frankie is usually curled up in the divot that she has created for herself on the back of the chair in our bedroom.  I figured Frankie would be the easiest shot because she enjoys an afternoon nap with the sun shining…

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34/365 A Splash of Red

34/365 A Splash of Red

“Grading” I had  lot to do today to get all my ducks in a row for the upcoming school week.  I had told myself that I could not work on today’s photo until all of my real work was done.  I was OK with that because I wasn’t sure where I was going with the “splash of red” idea.  I didn’t want one of those trite Valentine’s Day candy shots like I have seen way too many of already. As…

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Addiction and Change: A Look At Today

Addiction and Change: A Look At Today

Today was the first work day after the time change.  The fall time change from daylight savings time to standard time should be a good thing in that we got an extra hour of sleep Saturday night.  Don’t get me wrong, I treasure that additional sixty minutes of sleep; however there was something a little “not right” about this morning. When the alarm clock went off at the normal 6am, it was still dark, very dark, outside.  I expected it…

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Summer Wrap Up

Summer Wrap Up

Despite the fact that it is still 107 degrees and we are a month away from the autumnal equinox, for those of us who work in education, summer is officially over.  School is starting either in earnest with children arriving on Monday morning or with preparations for college classes that begin the following week.  As is always the case, the ten or so weeks that we had off over the summer went quickly; looking back it is hard to account…

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The Graduate

The Graduate

We spent last weekend in Chicago attending the graduation of Offspring No. 1. The University of Chicago does everything with much pomp and circumstance. On Friday evening they hosted a champagne reception at the Museum of Science and Industry. The Convocation, conferring of degrees and awarding of diplomas consumed most of the day Saturday. We spent approximately six hours outside in folding chairs – and rain and 50 degree temperatures. I must say that I would much rather spend six…

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