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Category: school

267/365 Get Wet

267/365 Get Wet

“Fall Fountain” I’m in a creative slump they week.  Nothing seems terribly inspired or inspiring.  I know that all artists have these times, but I don’t particularly like the feel of it.  That being said, I’m soldiering on hoping that the creative fire is rekindled soon! I had a composition student who was sick and missed a lesson this morning.  That gave me a free hour that I did not expect to have.  There were many productive things that I…

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262/365 Morning Light

262/365 Morning Light

“School Day Sun” I had to scramble for a photo today.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays I teach from 7:30 am to 1. That doesn’t allow for much opportunity to photograph the morning sun.  It was barely up as we headed for school.  I managed to grab this shot with my phone as I quickly made my way through the hall at school.  I bet we don’t have too many students who know that there is this beautiful stream of light…

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259/365 What’s In Your Bag

259/365 What’s In Your Bag

‘Does Anyone Have A Pen? The point of today’s prompt was to document the things that you carry around in your purse or bag every day.  As I mentioned a few weeks ago with the “back to school” prompt, I don’t carry a purse; I carry a backpack.  My backpack is full of stuff that is useful and necessary, but necessarily photo worthy.  I don’t want pictures of all the papers I need to grade, or the binders of lessons,…

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256/365 On the Table

256/365 On the Table

“The 13th Table” Many of the people who are part of the Capture Your 365 community are avid and very talented scrapbookers.  Yesterday many people posted scrapbook type collages as a documentation of the details of their day.  It was cool to see an entire day in snapshots.  Because I worked from home today, I decided that I would give the collage thing a try. I had tons of work to gone done today and most of that was going…

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238/365 Green

238/365 Green

“First Day 47” Today was my 47th first day of school.  Every year since beginning kindergarten at age 4, I have had a first day of school.  Some were as a student, some have been as a faculty member and then there were those as a graduate teaching fellow where I had one foot in each camp. Since our school color is green and the campus map shown here was a big part of life on campus today as our…

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235/365 Landscape

235/365 Landscape

‘Summer Parked” There are lots of great things about Dallas, but its beautiful landscape is not one of them.  Cityscape?  Maybe, but definitely not landscape.  With today’s prompt being a local landscape, I was at a loss.  I finally decided, almost too late in the day,  that we do have lots of parks that provide a nice respite from the concrete and glass that covers most of the city. I took several photos of this expansive park.  In the end,…

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189/365 One Flower

189/365 One Flower

“Crepe Myrtle” I probably shouldn’t say this, but I am getting tired of taking and looking at pictures of flowers.  Don’t get my wrong, I think flowers are beautiful, but there comes a point where I just want to enjoy the real thing rather than photograph them.  The only reason that I attempted today’s prompt rather than going off on my own tangent was that it encouraged us to photograph a single flower from a different or unique perspective.  …

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156/354 Documented

156/354 Documented

“Lunchtime Wimp” I am a wimp . . . and this is my lunch. I am teaching Summer I this year and today was the first day of school.  I have classes from 9:40-11:40 and 11:50-1:50/  Last night I was whining about the fact that I have no time for lunch.   When I got up this morning, I found these “power” muffins that Brooks had made for me.  They are full of oatmeal, oat bran, flaxseed and blueberries all…

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152/365 Signs of Summer

152/365 Signs of Summer

“Do Pass and Go Directly to Summer Vacation!” This week is Weber’s last week of school.  They have finals all week long.  The kids are done on Thursday and the teachers on Friday.  Lucky them!  I have been off for two weeks but because I am teaching Summer I, I go back to school on Wednesday.  That is kind of a downer thought right t the moment.

137/365 A Walk

137/365 A Walk

“A Path of Prayer” One of the things that I have come to love about the Capture Your 365 Project is that it has caused me to learn many things about my own city.  It was late this afternoon before I considered what to do for today’s prompt.  I have photographed our many parks lots of times and as I ran their paths through my head, nothing struck me as a possible subject for today.  This may be because I…

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