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Category: school

62/365 Choose A Favorite (Macro Monday)

62/365 Choose A Favorite (Macro Monday)

“Blue Monday” Today was just a weird day all the way around.  Last night, because of ice and bitter cold temperatures, it was announced that Weber had no school today.  I had a delayed start – 11am.  This late start was nice, but it made no sense.  Our classes are on a schedule where they begin at either 10:30 or 12.  So with an 11 o’clock start time do we come for a 10:30 class?  My students all decided “No!”…

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20/365-2 Upset

20/365-2 Upset

“Empty Chairs” There is nothing really to be upset about in my world today, but I am a little sad to be going back to work full force tomorrow.  I love teaching, but I have really enjoyed my time off over this break.  I have had so much freedom to do the things I want to do with no deadlines hanging over my head.   I have read, taken pictures, napped and just had time to be.  “Be time” is…

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348/365 Christmas Wish

348/365 Christmas Wish

“Grown-up Christmas List” I got my grades submitted this afternoon and now I can think about Christmas.  So what do you think was the first thing that I did?  I had a meltdown.  I realized how close Christmas is and how little I have done to prepare.  I am in such deep trouble!  My Amazon Prime membership will probably pay for itself this weekend! Tonight we finally dragged the tree out of the garage.  It is up and its lights…

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347/365 No Peeking

347/365 No Peeking

“Can I Peek?” I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as a mentor for this little sixth grader.  Today was our last meeting before the holidays so I got to give her her Christmas gift.  It has been a while since I have shopped for a girl this age.  I enjoyed the chance to again peruse the children’s section of the bookstore looking for just the right book for her.  I finally settled on “I’ve Lost My Hippopotamus”…

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345/365 Decorating

345/365 Decorating

“Caffeinated  Thanks” This is final exam week for me and things are a little chaotic because of school being cancelled on Monday due to the ice storm.  We are having to squeeze Monday’s exams somewhere into the rest of the week.  The good news is that the deadline for submitting grades has been extended two days.  That gives me a little room to breathe. I had two exams today; the first was at 9am.  This class is small, only 10…

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337/365 Prepare

337/365 Prepare

“Hats On!” I have the honor of mentoring, through our school district, a little sixth grade girl.  Despite the requirement of “standardized dress” in blue, white and khaki, this child always has a touch of hot pink somewhere – shoes, hair bow, backpack, something.  It only seems fitting to make her a hot pink hat.  I think she’ll approve of the purple accents; it is her “second favorite color.”

322/365 Grateful for Entertainment

322/365 Grateful for Entertainment

“Easily Entertained” Somebody at school decided that it would be a good idea to have dual monitors on our computers.  I don’t need nor do I want dual monitors.  I don’t multi-task.  Period, the end.  Someone who does not multi-task does not want to look at two different monitors.  However, the screen saver that morphs across the two monitors is very cool!  I am embarrassed to admit how entertained I was today as I sat eating my lunch and watching…

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312/365 Grateful for R&R

312/365 Grateful for R&R

“Friday in the Park” I am grateful that today is Friday and even more grateful that tomorrow is Saturday.  More and more I appreciate the weekend.  Yes, there are household chores to be done and a few errands, but none of that requires setting an alarm, only having time for one cup of coffee before heading out the door, or being dressed before 7am.  Life over the next twenty four hours is looking pretty darn good from my current vantage…

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276/365 Everyday

276/365 Everyday

“Where I Spend My Weekdays” MOst of my weekdays are spent at school.  Sometimes it really does feel like a home away from home. I work with wonderful people and have the privilege of teaching great students.  In both respects, I am very lucky and I try never to take that for granted. I am grateful for today’s prompt because it encouraged me to document this place where I spend so much time.  I walk this hall a hundred times…

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268/365 Notes

268/365 Notes

“Notes, Notes and More Notes” I like writing this kind of notes…not nearly as depressing as all of the notes that I have to write to myself so that I don’t forget what I’m supposed to do, where I’m supposed to do it and who I’m supposed to do it with or for.

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