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Category: school

240/365-2 A Backpack

240/365-2 A Backpack

‘A Cooler Backpack” I should learn to read ahead.  Since I used a photo of my own backpack earlier in the week for another prompt, I was stuck today when the prompt actually was “a backpack.”  Throughout my day at school, I snapped several photos around campus with my phone, most of the people I did not know so I was a little leery of posting those photos.  As it turns out, that didn’t matter; my favorite photo of the…

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238/365-2 Making Plans

238/365-2 Making Plans

“Planning for Class” I have completed my first week of the semester – one down, fifteen to go.  I shouldn’t say it like that because it makes it sound like I only looking to the end and that is not the case at all.  I have great students.  Everyone seems so excited to be in class, looking forward to what the semester has to offer, and what they will accomplish.  Even my 7:30 am class has been full of energy….

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237/365-2 First Day Tradition

237/365-2 First Day Tradition

‘Back to School” I can honestly say that I am glad to be back at school.  Things have been busy, crazy, chaotic, but all in a good way.  I do much better with all aspects of my life when my days are more structured.   The only thing that I don’t like about being back at work is having to be “dressed” every day.  I am already missing the flip-flops and T-shirts.  The first thing to go at the end…

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232/365-2 The Number 5

232/365-2 The Number 5

“One Short” Yesterday was not a good day.  The hard drive on my computer decided that it was done…no more work for it.  Unfortunately for me, this happened in the midst of saving a huge document that I was working on for school.  On the positive side, Weber was able to retrieve most of the document and the rest I was able to reconstruct fairly easily today. I also had another course added to my load.  I am denying that…

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139/365-2 Where I Stand – May

139/365-2 Where I Stand – May

“Questions” Today was my first day of my summer break.  I turned all of my grades in Friday afternoon, but today was the first day that I should have gone to work that I didn’t.  It was a pretty awesome day! I got up with Weber and for a change, I made breakfast and his lunch.  When we both leave in the morning, he does both of these chores because I am much slower with my morning routine.  After he…

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135/365-2 Relax

135/365-2 Relax

“Commencement” Obviously I forgot to post this last night. Commencement itself was not necessarily relaxing, but it signifies the end of the semester and the end of this school year, which means it also marks the beginning of a period of relaxation for me.  Yay! Though I can’t stand  Pomp and Circumstance because I have played it SO many times (and that was just last night, not all the many years previously),  I do enjoy playing for graduation.  It is a…

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132/365-2 Make An Appointment

132/365-2 Make An Appointment

“Scheduled Sabbath” Right now there are way too many things going on in my world.  I am counting the minutes (actually the number of exams) until this semester is over.  To put it simply, I am exhausted.  I have learned to say “no” to a few things, but I still don’t seem to get enough rest.  In the past I have been advised to put sabbath time on my calendar and treat it like any other appointment.  I need to…

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130/365-2 A Vision of Play

130/365-2 A Vision of Play

“Joy” Erin began her day as a twenty-one year old college student and finished it as a college graduate with a degree in mathematics and about to begin her life in the working world as a spatial analyst.  It some ways it is hard to believe that she is already out of college and about to be independent and in the same breath I can say that I can’t believe that she is only twenty-one is beginning her professional career….

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106/365-2 Where I Stand

106/365-2 Where I Stand

“To-and-fro” Today’s photo prompt is one of the recurring monthly prompts for 2014.  Its goal is to encourage us to literally look at the the places in which we stand during the day.   Though my week started off chilly, it is finally beginning to look and feel like spring in Dallas.  This makes my walk from school all the more enjoyable.  I like seeing the newly planted gardens along my way and marking their progress from week to week….

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93/365-2 Where I Work

93/365-2 Where I Work

“Hard Working Keys” I have been teaching in the same place since 1992.  I can’t believe it has been 24 years; well, really 23.  I took a year off early on to teach elementary music at the school that my girls were attending at the time.  Back then, as a doctoral student, I figured this would just be a job that would give me some experience, something to put on my resume, a stepping stone of sorts that would allow…

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