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Category: school

343/365-2 At The Lot

343/365-2 At The Lot

“A Lot of Fog” Pardon the redundancy here.  I posted this photo to Facebook early today not knowing then that it would be today’s POTD. We awoke this morning to very thick fog, not a common thing here in Dallas.  It was both beautiful and a little ominous on this Tuesday morning of final exam week.  I had to give a final exam at eight o’clock this morning.  Seemingly very few others on campus were doing the same because much…

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337/365-2 Construction

337/365-2 Construction

“Construct A Scrapbook!” I have a student who is also a colleague teaching in another department as well as a friend.  As we were wrapping up the last week of classes this week before next week’s final exams, the level of stress among faculty and students alike was rising.  Everyone was trying to find something, anything to bring down both their anxiety levels and blood pressure.  My student/colleague/friend decided that taking up scrapbooking is what I needed to take my…

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268/365-2 Morning Light

268/365-2 Morning Light

‘Early Morning Tree” Early morning light…ha!  I wish that I could say that I am laughing about early morning light because I had the luxury of sleeping through it.  Sadly, that is not the case.  Sunrise in Dallas this morning was at 7:18.  By this time I was at school standing in front of the copy machine printing tests for my 7:30 class.  Sunrise came and went without even a notice  from me.  Walking across campus a little later to…

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252/365-2 Reading

252/365-2 Reading

“Classwork” The sub-prompts for today’s photo included school, learning, and education.  I have been teaching at the same school for over twenty years and most of that time has been in the same classroom.  Until recently, I have had no photos to document all of that time.  I am trying to remedy that situation.  Considering where and how I spend so many of my days, today’s prompt should have been a breeze. As I stood watching my class work on…

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247/365-2 Beginning

247/365-2 Beginning

‘Beginning to Become” Thursday afternoons are my favorite time of the week.  I am done teaching for the week at 3:00.  I can leave school and don’t have to be concerned about anything having to be done this evening.  It is an awesome feeling after worrying on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights about making sure that I fully prepared for the following day.  I do spend Friday’s preparing for the next week, but for now, I am free!  Teaching…

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245/365-2 Back to Reality

245/365-2 Back to Reality

“Paper Chase” And week two of the semesters begins…Despite having the day off yesterday, the work week got off to a rough start today.  The alarm was set for 5:50.  We got up at 6:44.  Neither of us remembers the alarm going off all.  The scary thing is that if it went off at all, it went off six times.  We have never slept through the alarm once, let alone six times!  Surely Weber didn’t hot the snooze button six…

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