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Category: religion

225/365-2 Homegrown

225/365-2 Homegrown

“Downtown” First of all, I am not doing well with daily posts here.  I think that I have too many irons in the fire right at the moment… and school hasn’t even started yet.   I am still taking my daly photos as well as  finishing up the phone photography class (where I am also two days behind) and I have just started another online photography class.  In addition, regular choir rehearsals started last evening.   Weber goes back to…

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177/365-2 Have A Ball

177/365-2 Have A Ball

 “A Ball to Remember” These balls (marbles) were given to us at church at the end of book study on The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz.  This can be a life changing book if its ideals are taken to heart and made an integral part of our everyday.  The marble serves as a tangible reminder of what we hope to do. Thank you Todd for facilitating this fantastic class and to all those in the class who faithfully shared so much…

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157/365-2 Well-known Landmark

157/365-2 Well-known Landmark

“Interfaith Peace Chapel – Dallas, TX” When you think of iconic Texas landmarks, the Interfaith Peace Chapel in Dallas is probably not the first thing that comes to mind for anyone, even those who live in Dallas.  That said, in a recent article in which the Huffington Post identified what it believed to be the most spiritual place in each of the fifty states, the Interfaith Peace Chapel is that place in Texas.  It is a fascinating structure, the last…

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127/365-2 A Vision of Poise

127/365-2 A Vision of Poise

“Read, Pray, Love” Come, pensive nun, devout and pure,  sober steadfast, and demure,  all in a robe of darkest grain,  flowing with majestic train. – John Milton – Today was the student art sale at school.  I love these ceramic nuns!  These are the only kind of habits I am allowed to have!

68/365-2 Emerging

68/365-2 Emerging

“Budding Artist” Yesterday was a good kind of busy, but it kept me from taking my POTD until very late last might and then I forgot to post it before I went to bed. We went to church yesterday morning with some friends to hear a guest preacher give the sermon.  The whole church experience was pretty awesome!  The friends with whom we went are some of our closest, the service was one of the most God-filled that I have…

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64/365 A Story In Three

64/365 A Story In Three

“Me In Three” Many ideas went through my head during the day for what to do for today’s prompt.  I had lots of time to think because I left the house at 7:30 this morning and did not get home until 9:30.  needless to say, it was a very long day with not much time at its end for photography. There are many things that I could have photographed that would have told a part of more story.  Many of…

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56/365-2 Bittersweet

56/365-2 Bittersweet

“The Way of the Heart” I struggled with what to photography today.  The primary prompt was “bittersweet” with the secondary words of mixed, chocolate, and nostalgic.  With a little imagination, this image reflects mixed (feelings) and nostalgic.   If you are interested in the story being retold in this photo, it can be found here in a previous post.

361/365 Well Used

361/365 Well Used

“Blessed Art Thou Among Women” This is a rosary that belonged to Weber’s grandmother.  The rose petal beads were made from her mother’s funeral flowers.  Though rose petal beads start out rose colored, over time and with use they turn black.  These beads are black having been prayed with by now four generations.  I was struck by  how the bokeh is pink, as if the light and life of those roses still live within the beads. Hail Mary full of…

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