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Category: relationships

Our Seventh Anniversary

Our Seventh Anniversary

  Yesterday, July 10, Weber and I celebrated our seventh anniversary.  Sometimes it feels like we were just married yesterday and then there are times that I can’t remember my life without him..  The geek in me particularly loved this anniversary because it’s date is a palindrome,, 7-10-17.  This is a once in a lifetime occurrence…unless we live to be 155 and 160.  So how did we celebrate? A few weeks ago Weber and I started asking each other what…

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And June Is Over!

And June Is Over!

Here is what my June looked like in a picture a day… June is a few hours from being over.  We are now halfway through 2017.  And we are also closer to Christmas 2017 than Christmas 2016.  You have 177 shopping days. The word that comes to mind when I look back at my daily photos from the month and I think about all the experiences that June brought with it is growth.  The biggest event during this month is…

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Power Food

Power Food

No fifty-something year old woman with no children or grandchildren around and who is fairly competent in the kitchen should be making a special trip to the grocery store to buy cream cheese, pretzels, Cool Whip, and Jello, all to be used in the same recipe…and be excited about it.  But, this is exactly where I find myself today.  I partially blame my Sifted Together blog buddy, Tracey, for this predicament in which I find myself.  She gave me a…

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The Many Shades of Friendship

The Many Shades of Friendship

It’s been a whirlwind of celebration and good times around our house for the last five days or so.  I know how blessed I am to be able to say that as there are so many people in the world who have nothing to celebrate and not much to call good in their lives.  My hope is that I’ll never take any of the gifts of this life for granted. A good friend flew in last Thursday to spend a…

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One Down, Fifteen To Go

One Down, Fifteen To Go

Week one of the Spring 2017 semester is over.  Let me just say that re-entry was tough!  Though I never really slept late over the holiday break, I was not up any day at 5:30 like I have been every day this week.  This adjustment to my morning alarm would have been much more tolerable if I had made a similar adjustment to my bedtime, if it also had moved three hours earlier.  I missed that step.  The result?  Three…

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Where I Stand

Where I Stand

Every month, the Capture Your 365 photo prompts include this one – “Where I Stand.”  I have pictures of my bare feet, my sock covered feet, my feet in comfy shoes, funky shoes, and dressy shoes.  Throughtout these photos I can be seen with my feet curled around the base of my desk chair, propped up on the couch relaxing, standing side by side with the one I love, on rocks and mountains,  close to home, and faraway.  Each photo…

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A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A week ago today I spent an amazing Saturday with four awesome photography friends, and several supportive family members, on a photowalk at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  Most of us had never met before that day, yet from the moment that we all gathered at the front entrance to the gardens, it felt like we had been lifelong friends.  The excitement with which we all met that day was like a bunch of teenagers at a sleepover. With cameras around…

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Diner Dinner Night

Diner Dinner Night

The proverbial “they” say that we take, not make, time for those things that are truly important to us.  I am guilty of saying quite often that I don’t have time for this or that when the reality is that I don’t take the time for those things.  Consciously or subconsciously what I am saying with my choices is that those things for which “I don’t have time” are not priorities in my life.  When I think about those slighted…

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33/365-3 Blurred Background

33/365-3 Blurred Background

“Just Love Me” We have LOTS of books at our house and they get used often to answer questions, settle arguments, and expand our minds, but there is not a single one of them that will help anyone to understand me:-) This mug was a Valentine’s Day gift before Weber and I got married. I bought it for him as kind of a warning I guess:-

253/365-2 Discarded

253/365-2 Discarded

“Friendship” Friendship and all of its intricacies have been on my mind this week.  I don’t think that I realized a few days ago when I photographed the Diet Coke can, with the phrase ‘Share a Diet Coke with a friend.” on it, that I had any idea where my week was going.  Now, posting this photo two days late, it is all making sense. As one who grew up in a military family and moved a lot, I don’t…

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