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Category: PPLs

Change Is Coming

Change Is Coming

As I mentioned in my post a few days ago, one of the many reasons that I have not been consistent in my writing here is because I am writing two other blogs.  I “met” Tracey almost three years ago through the Capture Your 365 community.  I say “met” because we have never met in person.  In the sharing of our daily photos in the CY365 forum, a connection formed between us.  Our communication moved from CY365 public gallery comments…

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Jumping Back In!

Jumping Back In!

The calendar says that fall will be here in two days, but for my creative self, it is spring that is dawning after a five month dormant season here.   Unlike the plants and animals who know that they need fall and winter to rest and rejuvenate, I was unaware that my spirit was longing for that time.  I have been doing other creative things, including other types of writing, but in the past few weeks, I have been hit…

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23/365-2 On the Third

23/365-2 On the Third

“Cheese” The intended subject for today’s prompt was a landscape.  we were to intentional place the horizon.  A landscape photo was not happening for me today; I had way too many other things to be doing and did not have time to go out looking.  Fortunately, I got a lot of landscape practice last weekend in Delaware. I could have cheated a little and used one of the photos that I took over the weekend.  I was torn between following…

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15/365-3 First Taste

15/365-3 First Taste

“Sunshine and Steps” Today was the first day that we have had a taste of sunshine in many days.  It is also the first day that I have ventured out for a “real” walk since before Christmas when I broke my leg.  It was so nice to get outside in some fresh, though brisk, air and get some exercise.  I so enjoyed my walk to the grocery store.  My leg was not as happy as the rest of me, but…

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