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Category: poetry

An Amazing Poem

An Amazing Poem

This poem is also from Jeff Rockwell’s bookMaking Friends With The Dust. One thing at a timeOur progress will never make it possiblefor us to fly with our arms openflapping in the air.What it can do, however,is inspire us to dooneholymindfulthingat a time.Nothing more needs to be said here.

Walking With Questions

Walking With Questions

Today the Labyrinth Ministry of our church, of which I am a part, had its regular monthly meeting. Up until recently, we have neglected walking the labyrinth as a part of these meetings in favor of having more time for “business”. The majority of the group agreed that not walking together was a mistake in that our work together was not firmly grounded in the labyrinth itself. For nearly ten years, the labyrinth has been an integral part of my…

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