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Category: poetry

Sailing Toward Sixty #5 – Moving Off of Auto-Pilot

Sailing Toward Sixty #5 – Moving Off of Auto-Pilot

I was out of town last weekend at Click Away, a photography conference primarily for woman, but there were a few brave men who attended, Weber being one of them.  We met several of my Capture Your 365 photography friends in Amelia Island, Florida for some fellowship and some sessions to hopefully help our grow our photography skills. As I was packing to go, I realized that I was excited about the photography element of the trip, but I might…

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My Thursday’s are incredibly long days, beginning with my first class at 7:30 am and ending at 4 pm after a final composition lesson.  In between, I teach five different classes and two lessons.  The good news?  Unlike Wednesday’s, I actually have 30 minutes for lunch!  The thing that makes this tiring day tolerable is knowing that it is the end of my work week.  And, I have some awesome students. No one really wants to take (or teach) a…

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Wednesdays are long days.  The best I have to offer is my daily haiku… The season changes  Year’s perfect end approaching. Where is the weather? …and today’s photo taken very late tonight.  The prompt was “rushing.”  I rushed to get a photo taken while trying to get several others things done.

Jumping Back In!

Jumping Back In!

The calendar says that fall will be here in two days, but for my creative self, it is spring that is dawning after a five month dormant season here.   Unlike the plants and animals who know that they need fall and winter to rest and rejuvenate, I was unaware that my spirit was longing for that time.  I have been doing other creative things, including other types of writing, but in the past few weeks, I have been hit…

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12/365-3 Frost

12/365-3 Frost

“Fire and Ice” Though it was chilly today, it was not chilly enough for frost so I had to go a different route with today’s prompt. With sincere apologies to Robert Frost, here is my silly illustration of his poem Fire and Ice. Some say the world will end in fire; Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for…

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In the Hand of the Weaver

In the Hand of the Weaver

In the Hand of the Weaver (a pantoum) I am the shuttle. Strings of ideas entangle me Someday to be woven together Trust in God the warp. Strings of ideas entangle me. Big and small, concrete and abstract. Trust in God the warp. An enlightened mind the weft. Big and small, concrete and abstract Someday to be woven together. An enlightened mind the weft I am the shuttle. KEB 6/21/2012

Standing Naked

Standing Naked

Today is my birthday. I thought about all of the things that I could write about to commemorate this occasion and then I thought again. I’m not really in the mood for one of those sappy romps through the past nor am I in the mood for a prophetic foray into the future. My solution, which may or may not be a good one, is to share a poem that I wrote a couple of weeks ago. I don’t often…

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