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Category: photography

One Cannot Live By Bread Alone

One Cannot Live By Bread Alone

One also needs a cat! We shared a simple Easter meal for nine at our house. Simple means that we had black bean soup, chicken tortilla soup, a fresh green salad and warm homemade bread. That is about all we could muster after our Holy Week and Easter obligations at church. The weather turned dismal about the time everyone was on their way here. This delayed their arrival by a while. I tried to have everything ready so that we…

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Just Kinda Cool!

Just Kinda Cool!

Early-ish this morning I took the dogs, my cup of coffee and my journal out to the back patio to get some fresh air and settle my mind before I committed whole-heartedly to the day. The morning was perfect – not too hot, not too cold, and not raining. I needed this because today had on its agenda a few moderately stressful tasks. I had my pen in hand ready to start writing my Morning Pages (I am a follower…

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“Iris” the Purple Cow

“Iris” the Purple Cow

This is a cow. This is a purple cow. This is Iris the purple cow. She lives in my from yard. It is possible that she has some unicorn in her gene pool. This is a purple iris but not a cow. I suspect that seeing purple cows in your front yard comes from eating mushrooms.



What does one do for entertainment in Texas over the Christmas holidays? According to the media, most people shopped until they dropped. Then they got up and did it again. Sports fans got the best Christmas gift they could imagine when the NBA began its season on Christmas Day. The Dallas Mavericks, however, unwrapped a disappointing opener for their fans. And football games are aplenty. We were neither at the mall or at the arena. We went to the Dallas…

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Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

At least this mama gets to lay down while she’s fixing dinner! I took this photo back in October at the Texas State Fair. I have been waiting to find the perfect occasion to post it! Happy Mother’s Day!

Tryptophan, Trees, and Thankfulness

Tryptophan, Trees, and Thankfulness

I must begin by confessing that Thanksgiving is one of my least favorite holidays – not because of its intention, but because of the way we go about “celebrating.” Most of us run ourselves ragged preparing a meal that amounts to enough food for a week or two but is consumed in one afternoon in a time span that is probably equal to one tenth of the time it takes to make it all. We tried to keep it simple…

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Baby Picture

Baby Picture

It has been awhile since I posted a picture of the newest member of our family. Here is the latest picture of Frankie. She moves quickly, as kittens do, so I never hae time to get my “real” camera out. Usually the best I can do is to snatch my phone from my pocket, which is the case here. Don’t mind the fact that she has made herself comfortable in the middle of the coffee table. This is an improvement…

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A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Laughs

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Laughs

Sometimes you have to wonder whether people do these things on purpose or if they are unfortunate coincidences. Or, maybe I am the only one who sees anything funny in these pictures. Actually I know that is not the case because Offspring No. 1 sent me the second picture.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Laughs

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Laughs

Sometimes you have to wonder whether people do these things on purpose or if they are unfortunate coincidences. Or, maybe I am the only one who sees anything funny in these pictures. Actually I know that is not the case because Offspring No. 1 sent me the second picture.

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