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Category: photography

Fun With Christmas Lights

Fun With Christmas Lights

I took this photo purely for fun . . .and to play with a whimsical photography technique. It makes me smile. The fact that this semester is almost over also makes me smile. I hope that you have something to smile about today.

An Afternoon at the Park

An Afternoon at the Park

When the girls were little, we went to the park several times a week.  (That was back when it was OK for kids to play in the dirt and before there were hand sanitizer dispensers on every corner and .)  It has been a long time since I have spent an afternoon playing at the park with one of the girls. “I want to go play.  Am I too old to go swing and slide? “Nope. I just look like I’m too old to…

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Not-so-baby Pictures

Not-so-baby Pictures

I have enjoyed having both of the girls around for Thanksgiving.  The older they get, the less often this happens.  On Thanksgiving Day we made plans to “do something” today.  As it turned out, “something” meant the kids watched Top Chef Just Desserts while Weber and I finished putting up the outdoor Christmas lights.  Erin had also asked that I take some pictures of her and Edgar.  Late this afternoon, a little too late as it turned out, the kids…

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One More Picture . . .

One More Picture . . .

This photo, too, was taken at the arboretum.  It doesn’t look like any of the others, does it.  When I was looking through the two hundred plus photos from Friday, this one jumped out at me.  I just kept staring at it. I can’t decide whether it is really good, really bad, really creepy, really weird, or what.  Any thoughts?

Chihuly at the Dallas Arboretum

Chihuly at the Dallas Arboretum

  I am happy to share here some pictures of the work of Dale Chihuly that is currently on display at the Dallas Arboretum.  The fact is that matter how good the pictures, they can’t capture the whole beauty and grandness of seeing these magnificent pieces of glass in person.  The sheer amount of glass alone is amazing.  Add to that the incredible detail in every piece and I realize that both words and pictures come up short in their abilities…

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A Fun-filled Fall Friday

A Fun-filled Fall Friday

Today was an awesome fun-filled fall Friday.  Weber and I both took a “mental health” day, which translates to he took a personal day off from school and I did not teach my normal Friday knitting class. We have been planning this day for a month or so.  Our schedule has been such that we haven’t had any time to just have fun together.  Our plan was to go to the Dallas Arboretum to see the Chihuly exhibit.  First though,…

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Falling Fall

Falling Fall

The weather front that is supposed to drop our temperatures thirty degrees today is looming in the background.  A sky full of gray clouds is heralding its arrival.  As I walked home from school today at lunch time, however, it was still quite warm. I passed this tree on my way.  For some reason, I found this image beautiful and comforting. It just looks like fall to me even though it doesn’t have all of the wonderful colors of changing…

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The Bright Spot

The Bright Spot

Wow!  It is the 24th of October.  Where has the month gone?  I know that I have been busy but I didn’t realize that it has been so long since I last posted. One of the things that I have been doing over the last month is taking an online photography course.  It has been a great experience – low pressure and I have learned a lot.  I will share more on the class in a later post.  For now,…

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Prayer as Art as Prayer

Prayer as Art as Prayer

Saturday is usually our chore and errand day but today we decided to make it a “date day.”  The cleaning, laundry and grocery shopping will get done eventually.   Today was a day to enjoy the beautiful weather and each other.   We rode the DART train which gave Weber a break from the stress of driving in Dallas.   Imagine my surprise when I ran into one of my students on the train! We headed downtown to the Asian…

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