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Category: photography

8/365 Blue

8/365 Blue

 “Blue – Only On the Outside” Today should have been an easy day as far as the daily prompt goes.  Blue.  Blue is my favorite color.  I love blue. Blue anything.  I have lots and lots of blue things.  That is where the difficulties started.  What direction to go?  What to choose?  Rather than make a real choice,  I finally decided that I would do a self portrait because I like blue so much.  That was kind of all encompassing….

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323/365 Grateful for Photography

323/365 Grateful for Photography

“Not So Random Words” Why did I have such a hard time with today’s prompt?  I am amazed that with as much time as I spend with my camera in my hand or my head in a book about photography I couldn’t come up with a meaningful image to document how grateful I am to have photography in my life.  I’m feeling kind of like a loser.   I finally settled on a photo of a collage that I did…

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245/365 Still Life

245/365 Still Life

“Flowers is a Vase” It was nice to see that the day’s prompt was “still life” because still life is exactly what I had planned for my day!  We had nothing on our calendar that had to be done. Yay! We slept late – really late.  Considering that most of our mornings begin at 6 am, anything past 8:30 seems late.  Past 10 constitutes really late!  Oh well, it is the last time that we will get to do that…

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220/365 Camera Love

220/365 Camera Love

“Anam Ca(me)ra” Though I have a lot of stuff, particularly books, I really am not a materialistic person.  Most of the things that I have I could give away or do without very easily.  Over the past couple of years, however, my camera has become the big exception here.  If I had to give it up, it would be like losing a piece of my soul.  I am passionate about photography and, if I am to be honest, I have…

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174/365 Path

174/365 Path

“Path to . . .” I’m not sure how it happened, but today turned out to be a busy day.  I sand for the early service this morning and then we went to our favorite local cafe for breakfast after church.  That should have been a quick meal but we found ourselves in a conversation with the owner about church, the mysteries of the church and personal spiritual experiences.  Another woman, whom we had never met, then joined us and…

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103/365 Feature

103/365 Feature

“Yes, It’s Natural” It’s that time of the month again.  No, no THAT time, although I hate it almost as much.  Today was the day for April’s self-portrait.  This month we were supposed to focus on a specific feature of ourselves.  I asked Weber what I should do.  His first suggestion was one for which the photos would have been inappropriate for a public blog.  The alternative was my hair. When you have hair the color of mine it becomes a…

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63/365 Two

63/365 Two

“My Two Favorite Colors” There is not much explanation or elaboration needed here.  Anyone who knows me or has visited our home knows that blue and orange rock my world. I have been working on another photo project around the theme of “two.”  The assignment was to create a diptych.  Various ideas have been bouncing around in my head for the past three weeks.  I finally set out this past weekend to do something about making the ideas into a…

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Be Careful What You Wish For!

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Just to state the obvious, photography is my new passion.  I am definitely an amateur, but I dream about getting better.  I dream about what it would be like to be really good at taking pictures.  I dream about what the life of a professional photographer might be like – the people you’d meet, the beautiful scenery you’d visit, the gift of looking at every day with new eyes.  I will never be a professional.  I will keep studying and…

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The Cat Is Out Of The Bag “Do I look like I care that you are not supposed to peek in shopping bags during this time of year?”

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