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Category: photography

A Vase, Photoshop, and Rumi

A Vase, Photoshop, and Rumi

Today’s Capture Your 365 photo prompt was color.  I love color!  This should have been so easy for me.  I am discovering though, that the prompts whose subjects are those about which I feel deeply connected are the one’s that are most difficult for me.  I suspect that I over think them. I finally decided that i would buy some colorful flowers this afternoon at the grocery store and photograph them in a colorful hand blown glass vase that Weber…

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Where I Work

Where I Work

Today’s Capture Your 365 photo prompt is “Where I Work.”  I was excited by this prompt because it encouraged me to take photos in a place where I normally am not thinking about my camera.  The sad part here is that it is the place that I have come nearly every work day for the past 23 years and of which I have very few photos. As I walked in to school this morning, I was thinking about the possibilities…

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91/365-3 Sundown

91/365-3 Sundown

“My Sunshine at Sundown” Today’s prompt of “Sundown” suggested that twilight provides beautiful light to capture warm skin tones.  Weber volunteered his skin tones for today’s prompt.  I think he may have also figured that if he agreed to be totday’s subject on this first day of the month that he might be off the hook for the next 29 days.  Wrong!  The Ptactice Portraits class that I will be taking starts next week.  Hopefully there will be some advice…

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31/365-3 One Done

31/365-3 One Done

“761, 25, 31,1″ This photos marks 761 days or 25 months straight of taking a photo a day.  It is photo number 31 for the 2015.  It is also the first month where I have been successful at loading all of daily photos into the Collect app on my phone.  And, I have uploaded my photos to Persnickety Prints to have my January photos printed as Project Life cards.  I am anxiously awiting their delivery!

2/365-3 Think Over

2/365-3 Think Over

“Don’t Think.  Just Be.” The left-brained academic in me often overpowers the creative free-spirit that also resides within but only occasionally is set free to come out for recess.  I am always thinking, planning, trying to learn, hoping to improve whatever I think needs improvement, which often feels like almost everything.   For Christmas I was given the book Photography as Meditation by Torsten Hoffman.  I picked it up early today just to take a peek.  I was sitting near a…

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329/365-2 Give Thanks for Dessert

329/365-2 Give Thanks for Dessert

“Pignolis for Two” The more appropriate quote to accompany this picture is, “If at first you don’t succeed, eat dessert again.” I spent a lovely day with fellow photographers Michele and Peggy exploring  Delaware’s capital city of Dover.  We walked, talked, listened and took a few photos along the way.  We ate a tasty lunch and then made our way to a quaint little coffee shop to have dessert and accomplish today’s photo prompt.  Dessert was indeed delicious, but my…

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221/365-2 Like A Painting

221/365-2 Like A Painting

“Peering” Today’s prompt had more to do with processing of a photo than anything else.  The goal was to take a photo and process it in such a way that it looked like a painting rather than a photograph.  Just what I needed…another step to consume yet more time!  Oh my, the time that can be spent exploring the possibilities with this type of conversion! This is a photo that I took on the last evening that we were in…

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154/365-2 Wildlife

154/365-2 Wildlife

 ‘Squirrel Friend” There is not much wildlife around here unless you count the dog and cat chasing one another onto and then under the bed, and I don’t think that is the intention of today’s prompt.  All we have are a bully bluejay, a few grackles and doves and many squirrels.  I’m not sure that the squirrels even count for wildlife.  They don’t even bother to run when we, or the dogs, go outside.  The squirrels are definitely comfortable in…

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112/365-2 Barbed

112/365-2 Barbed

“Barbed Beauty” I have become a huge fan of my Lensbaby lenses.  Fan may be an understatement; addict may be a better term.  And, my husband is an enabler.  He ordered me the Edge 80 lens, ostensibly for Mother’s Day.  It came last week and he gave it to me.  Sadly, I did not even take it out of the box until this afternoon. I think the fact that I am a musician, and therefore understand too well the discipline…

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