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Category: photography

Sailing Toward Sixty #5 – Moving Off of Auto-Pilot

Sailing Toward Sixty #5 – Moving Off of Auto-Pilot

I was out of town last weekend at Click Away, a photography conference primarily for woman, but there were a few brave men who attended, Weber being one of them.  We met several of my Capture Your 365 photography friends in Amelia Island, Florida for some fellowship and some sessions to hopefully help our grow our photography skills. As I was packing to go, I realized that I was excited about the photography element of the trip, but I might…

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September 2017 – A Month of Stories

September 2017 – A Month of Stories

  And in the blink of an eye, or maybe two, 2017 is three-quarters of the way over.  September was a full month, one of many ups and downs.  It was a month that made me look at all of the blessings that I have and be grateful.  My daily photos from this month taken as a group may make September 2017 my all-time favorite month ever since starting Capture Your 365 back in January of 2013.  I still have…

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Life In Black and White

Life In Black and White

  At the beginning of each new school year, I feel like I need to justify my existence to my students, or perhaps it’s their existence in my classes.  I teach the final three semesters of a four semester music theory and ear training sequence.  Most musicians, unless you are super nerdy like me, probably would not take music theory if it weren’t required to get any kind of degree in music.  I explain to my Theory II class that…

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A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A week ago today I spent an amazing Saturday with four awesome photography friends, and several supportive family members, on a photowalk at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  Most of us had never met before that day, yet from the moment that we all gathered at the front entrance to the gardens, it felt like we had been lifelong friends.  The excitement with which we all met that day was like a bunch of teenagers at a sleepover. With cameras around…

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Friends With Faces

Friends With Faces

I wrote this post on Friday June 3.  I was writing on my phone and on a plane.  I intended to post it here, bust somehow managed to post it to Facebook only.  The Blogger phone apps are not the greatest.  So, many of you may have already read this. Since I first heard about online dating, I was a skeptic.  How could you possibly get to know, really know, someone online?  How do you know they are who and…

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Optimist or Pessimist: Your Choice

Optimist or Pessimist: Your Choice

There was a time in my life when I was indeed the pessimist.  Not anymore.  That is a tough existence! This photo is the result of camera settings that were totally wrong.  But, it worked for today’s photo prompts around fastener and blue.  Let’s just say it ended up being a happy accident! I had three finals to write tonight and another set to grade.  Even after many years of practice, I am still terrible at multi-tasking so in trying…

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Seven Days of Looking At Nature

Seven Days of Looking At Nature

Every now and then there is a photo challenge that goes around Facebook that challenges photographers to publish a nature photo a day for seven consecutive days.  In addition to posting a photo, you also nominate someone else to take on the challenge as well.  It is the 21st century incarnation of chain letters, but in the end you get to see lots of beautiful photographs. I was “nominated” to do this by someone back in February, but failed to…

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Birthday Traditions

Birthday Traditions

Yesterday was my 54th birthday.  In the last week we have celebrated both of my daughters’ birthdays and Christmas.  It goes without saying that this is a busy time in our family!  Interestingly, all of the men in our family–husband, ex-husband, daughter’s boyfriend–all have summer birthdays, an they are months apart rather than days. Despite being packed in around Christmas, I have always made a point to keep my girls’ birthdays separate from Christmas and separate from each other.  Everyone…

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The Road Toward Christmas

The Road Toward Christmas

It was Thanksgiving when I last wrote and now we are only seven days away from Christmas.  Over these last three weeks there were days that seemed to go on forever – mainly those where I was so tired that all I could think of was a nap; but for the most part, time has whizzed by.  Until the last week, I wasn’t sure that I was going to get my act together for Christmas.  There were moments over these…

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