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Category: Nerds

Sailing Toward Sixty #7 – What’s Up With the Weather?

Sailing Toward Sixty #7 – What’s Up With the Weather?

So what’s up with old, older, old-ish, people over fifty and their fascination, or maybe it’s an outright obsession, with the weather? When my dad retired from the Navy, my parents moved back to their home state of Delaware where, at the time, my grandmother still lived.  Almost every evening from 1985 until 2012 when my grandmother passed away, my dad, the the dutiful son, would call his mother to check on her.  Inevitably, the conversation always began with, “How’s the weather over…

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215/365-2 Hang Ups

215/365-2 Hang Ups

There are lots of interpretations of “hang ups.”  The first thought that crosses my mind when I see these words is all the weird little idiosyncrasies that I have – the bedspread being perfectly straight, nothing on the kitchen counters, needing to be extremely early for airline flights, having meals that consist of more than one thing… Yeah, I am a little weird, but I am perfectly willing to embrace the quirky person that is me.  All that said, personal…

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