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Category: Nature

174/365 Path

174/365 Path

“Path to . . .” I’m not sure how it happened, but today turned out to be a busy day.  I sand for the early service this morning and then we went to our favorite local cafe for breakfast after church.  That should have been a quick meal but we found ourselves in a conversation with the owner about church, the mysteries of the church and personal spiritual experiences.  Another woman, whom we had never met, then joined us and…

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173/365 Purple

173/365 Purple

Patience in Purple” Weber got a new computer today.  He and the cat waited somewhat patiently as data migrated from the old one to the new one. And here is a shot of tonight’s “super moon.”  Unfortunately, I waited until it was dark so there is no context within which to see just how big the moon really is.  I may have to try again tomorrow.

169/365 Pastoral

169/365 Pastoral

“Object Lesson” Pastoral is not a word that describes life in the suburbs.  With no time to head out in search of “pastoral” I amended the prompt and decided that I might be more successful if I looked for serene as we walked around our neighborhood. I suspect that you are looking at this picture thinking that it is neither pastoral or serene.  In fact, it isn’t even a good picture.  All of those things would be true.  So why…

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157/365 Sunset Reflected in Water

157/365 Sunset Reflected in Water

“Reflecting On A Ducky Day” Weber, Brooke and I went out for Greek food tonight.  It was delicious.  We then headed to the park so that I could take the day’s picture – a sunset reflected in water.  We have had rain off and on today, but it was clear this evening.  Unfortunately, the sunset was nothing spectacular.  I was distracted by all of the cute ducklings strolling around the park.  This little guy captured not only my attention, but…

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137/365 A Walk

137/365 A Walk

“A Path of Prayer” One of the things that I have come to love about the Capture Your 365 Project is that it has caused me to learn many things about my own city.  It was late this afternoon before I considered what to do for today’s prompt.  I have photographed our many parks lots of times and as I ran their paths through my head, nothing struck me as a possible subject for today.  This may be because I…

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125/365 Freshly Cut Grass

125/365 Freshly Cut Grass

“The Last of the Bluebonnets” It’s hard to believe that this year’s bluebonnet season is nearly over and that we are a week into May.  And, there are only two weeks left in this semester.  Where has the time gone?  Oh yeah, it has gone to lesson plans and grading papers and attending rehearsals and recitals and taking pictures.  Though it has been a good semester, I am ready for a break. The bluebonnets in this picture are just about…

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124/365 Wide Angle

124/365 Wide Angle

“Peace in the Park” I love the peacefulness of this path which meanders through our city’s rose garden.  I really like the simplicity of this image.

109/365 At The Edge

109/365 At The Edge

“Edge Of The Water” We went to the park this evening just to get some fresh air and wind down at the end of another school week.  I love to watch the ducks and the birds and the children playing.  I love the sounds of the park.  Even though there is usually a lot of activity, the park always seems peaceful to me. On our way, we stopped along the road so that I could take some pictures of a…

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74/365 Fields of Green

74/365 Fields of Green

“Paint the Field Green” Today is an absolutely gorgeous day; it definitely feels like spring.  The grass, however, is still looking like winter – brown and crunchy.  The only green growth seems to be primarily weeds, a sign that we are behind in applying the pre-emergent weed killer!  There were no pretty fields of green to photograph so my Lego mini artist decided to help me out by painting a green field.  If he works diligently, he should make it…

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