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Category: Nature

344/365 Commemorate

344/365 Commemorate

“12-13 Ice Storm” One more photo comemmorating the early December ice storm that has caused complete chaos with this semester’s final exam schedule!  Yet, it is so beautiful when you look at it from this perspective rather than on the roads.

294/365 Blades and Bokeh

294/365 Blades and Bokeh

“Blade of Grass” I had a hard time with today’s prompt.  The idea was to get those dancing bokeh circles atop blades of grass.  That really needs to be photographed first thing in the morning when there is dew on the grass and beautiful morning light.  That was not happening around here today. Let me tell you about our morning.  First of all, the alarm went off way too early.  All I could think of when it started beeping at…

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287/365 Around the Corner

287/365 Around the Corner

“Around” The intended goal for today was to focus on roads or paths and their leading lines.  I figured I would take a walk on my favorite walking path that is not far from home.  It has a lot of foliage and often nice reflections in the water.  I walked along a took a few photos from various spots, but nothing felt right.  I don’t know if this was because the skies were gray and overcast, weather which I really…

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283/365 Spider Web

283/365 Spider Web

“More Spider Than Web” This is not the photo that I was hoping for today.  I had images in my mind of a beautifully symmetrical web coated with dew glistening in the morning sun – preferably one where the spider was not at home.  As you can clearly see, I did not get that picture.  As the saying goes, “Life is what happens while we are busy making plans.”  This is what life had planned for me today. As I…

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281/365 Reflection

281/365 Reflection

“Trees” I guess this is officially my picture of the day because it is the one that is a more accurate response to the day’s prompt – photograph a reflection in water.  I do like the symmetry of this; I think I might like it even better in black and white.  Hmmm, something to try.  I did not see the heron when I was taking the photo so he/she is a little obscured.  Oh well… I really like photo below. …

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275/365 Seasonal Color

275/365 Seasonal Color

“What Season Is It? I had very little time and very little inspiration for today’s photo.  The temperatures are still in the nineties and none of the trees are looking like fall yet.  In a quick thirty minute trip to the park between school and dinner and before choir rehearsal (when the light was all wrong for taking pictures), the best I could find was this still blooming rosebush surrounded by some bright orange leaves. Looks like seasonal color to…

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267/365 Get Wet

267/365 Get Wet

“Fall Fountain” I’m in a creative slump they week.  Nothing seems terribly inspired or inspiring.  I know that all artists have these times, but I don’t particularly like the feel of it.  That being said, I’m soldiering on hoping that the creative fire is rekindled soon! I had a composition student who was sick and missed a lesson this morning.  That gave me a free hour that I did not expect to have.  There were many productive things that I…

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241/365 Fashion Statement

241/365 Fashion Statement

“Hell on Heels” We have already established here that I have no fashion sense.  Clothes at best are a necessity and are at worst an encumbrance.  Therefore, I knew that I was going to be searching for a willing participant to help me with today’s photo.  Brooke is definitely the one in our family who uses clothing to make a statement. We always kid her about her shoes.  She already towers over all of us by a couple of inches…

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236/365 Steps

236/365 Steps

“Saturday Sunset” What does this have to do with steps? Umm … they both start with “S”?  Finding an opportunity of a photo that included steps wasn’t happening today.  This is what was happening and thus is the picture of the day. I learned that sunsets are hard, at least for me, to photograph such that they are as beautiful in the photo as they are firsthand.

189/365 One Flower

189/365 One Flower

“Crepe Myrtle” I probably shouldn’t say this, but I am getting tired of taking and looking at pictures of flowers.  Don’t get my wrong, I think flowers are beautiful, but there comes a point where I just want to enjoy the real thing rather than photograph them.  The only reason that I attempted today’s prompt rather than going off on my own tangent was that it encouraged us to photograph a single flower from a different or unique perspective.  …

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