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Category: Nature

100/365-2 A Perfect Duo

100/365-2 A Perfect Duo

“Grow Old Along With Me” Today’s photo was supposed to be food photography, a perfect food duo.  If I had done that, my shot would have been pizza and beer, which is indeed a perfect duo; however,  we ate late tonight so the light would have been no good.  And, there is nothing more unattractive than poorly lit food.  Bad food photography is the absolute worst kind of bad photography.   If you think a little outside the box, this…

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94/365-2 Look Up

94/365-2 Look Up

“Layers of Life” I am so grateful for today.  As it turned out, I have had all day at home.  This gave me the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather (much improved over last night’s tornadoes) and play with my Lensbaby, which has been neglected lately. In addition to all of this, Weber had training today so was able to come home for lunch.  I could used to this lifestyle quite easily! This photo was taken while…

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90/365-2 Garden

90/365-2 Garden

“Garden?” Confession time.  At this very moment my garden is non-existent.  I have dreams. I have plans.  I have seeds.  I have raised beds.  I have had no time.  I would love to have a bountiful garden this year.  It makes me happy to grow my own vegetables, but right now I just don’t have the time to nurture a garden.  The flip side of a garden making me happy is that if it fails, it makes me incredibly unhappy….

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80/365-2 Spring

80/365-2 Spring

“Only Bloomer” I forgot to post this yesterdayt.  I took the photo in the thirty minutes I was home after school and before I left to play for a prayer service last night.  Several of us went out for dinner afterwards and it was late when I got home. It doesn’t look much like spring in our yard.  Though there are many iris bulbs, none had any buds.  This morning, as we were pulling out of the driveway and heading…

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39/365-2 Hand Tinted

39/365-2 Hand Tinted

“A Rose By Any Color…” I am much more adept with composition in my photographs than I am with the technical aspects related to post-processing.  This goes back to my post a few days ago; I don’t like a whole lot of it.   After having that rant on Thursday, God must have been laughing at me, ready to shake me up and get me off of my high horse.  Today’s prompt was focused on hand-tinting, a post processing technique…

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7/365-2 A Natural Treasure

7/365-2 A Natural Treasure

“Good Morning Sunshine” I mentioned yesterday, Macro Monday, that I really thought the acorns on the tree out from would be a beautiful macro shot and that although I thought that, I couldn’t think it into being.  Yesterday’s acorn photos were not good.  When I saw today’s prompt – natural treasure, loved, not artificial, outside – I felt that I was being given a second chance to do justice to the acorns.  I looked at yesterday’s rejected photos and decided…

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6/365-2 Unique – Macro Monday

6/365-2 Unique – Macro Monday

“Flower Power” We are slowly getting back into our normal routine.  Weber went back to school today, but it was a teacher workday – no kids; and, he got home a little earlier than usual.  Though I don’t officially start classes until the Tuesday aster MLK day, I did do a little school related work this morning.  I was glad to be able to work from home and not have to get out early this morning in the 13 degree…

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360/365 Reckless

360/365 Reckless

“The Greatest Gift” After sleeping in this morning, I spent some time this afternoon playing with my new Christmas toy, a Lensbaby lens.  This is a mirrorless special effects lens system that has a very small “sweet spot” of focus that is achieved manually.  My vision makes it a little challenging, but I am having fun trying to conquer the learning curve. I had in mind a different quote to accompany this image, one that more directly speaks to today’s…

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355/365 How’s The Weather?

355/365 How’s The Weather?

‘A Peaceful Rain” Today was a gray and rainy day.  This afternoon, once the heavy rains had stopped, I took a walk outside.  I was struck by the vibrant colors of these fallen leaves.  Against the surrounding grayness of the day, they just jumped out.  I may have also noticed them because of the gentle dance they were doing as they floated through the puddle.   I was surprised by how blue the sky looks as it is reflected in…

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