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Category: Nature

180/365-2 Clean Up

180/365-2 Clean Up

“Sunset” As I have said repeatedly, I am terrible with phone photography and am fairly ignorant with regard to phone photo processing and editing apps.  Today’s prompt had both a technical and compositional component.  The subject was intended to be something related to “clean up” and the photo was supposed to be taken and edited on your phone.  As is often the case when I am faced with something with which I am woefully incompetent, I waited until nearly sunset…

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172/365-2 Solstice

172/365-2 Solstice

“A Long Day” Today was a indeed a long day, one that did not go exactly as planned, which really is how most of life goes.  What’s that quote: “lLife is what happens while we are busy making plans.”   We began  our morning in the ER with dad because he was running a fever.  After lots of blood work and a chest X-ray, it was determined that that he has an infection at an IV site.  That, on top…

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171/365-2 Where I Stand

171/365-2 Where I Stand

“Standing in the Park” This is a plaque in the park outside the Lewes Chamber of Commerce.  It recognizes a tree that was planted in memory of my mom. I am too tired to write much more as we got up at 4:30 to go to the beach and watch the sunrise and then had a full day with family. This was taken about 5:40am.

168/365-2 In A Different Light

168/365-2 In A Different Light

“The Catch” Before I had a real interest in being a photographer, I loved silhouettes.  And when I started learning the technical side of photography, I wanted to be able to take those photos that I had always admired so much.  It has taken me some time to get here, but I think I am finally on the right track. I have no idea who the little boy is in the above image, but I loved seeing him standing on…

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Last Night’s Sunset

Last Night’s Sunset

Sitting on the beach watching the sun set is a object lesson in just how quickly things on his earth can change.  In only fifteen minutes, the sky went from brightly lit to almost completely dark.  I watched as the the bright ball dropped from the sky disappearing below the horizon.  I realize that this phenomenon happens every day, but it is not every day that I make the time to just sit an appreciate how my days are made….

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163/365 In the Grass

163/365 In the Grass

“Beach Grass” Despite the fact that I got very little sleep Wednesday night because at midnight I was still packing and we had to be at the airport at 4am on Thursday morning, we had a smooth trip and thus far I have not noticed anything that I forgot.  All of that is pretty much a miracle. It was overcast and misting when we got to Delaware.  In my weird little mind, it was perfect.  There is such a calmness…

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145/365-2 A Vision of Twilight

145/365-2 A Vision of Twilight

“Twilight Showers” Today’s photo prompt asked us to photograph twilight with a phone camera.  Once a month, we are asked to use our phone cameras to achieve the daily prompt.  I have not fully embraced this yet because I usually get terrible pictures with my phone.  Most of the time they are blurry and grainy.  I don’t know what I do wrong, but it annoys me!  I did, however, follow the guidelines of the day and took these with my…

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142/365-2. A Vision of Beauty

142/365-2. A Vision of Beauty

“The Other Side of Beauty” Somehow yesterday got away from me and it was 11 pm before I took the day’s photo.  Needless to say, I was left photographing store-bought cut flowers rather than something growing outside in natural light.  That gave me the opportunity to engage the tiny bit of creative energy that I had left at the end of the day; or, would that be night?  

122/365-2 Vision of May Flowers

122/365-2 Vision of May Flowers

“Circle Of Life” I don’t think that this image necessarily has a unique perspective, but what drew my attention to it is the ring of spent iris blooms encircling the one young and beautiful flower.  As I looked at this, I thought about how important it is for the wisdom and experience of age to wrap its arms around youth and innocence.  I also noticed the changing face of beauty.  Though most eyes are drawn immediately to the big colorful…

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102/365-2 Shadow

102/365-2 Shadow

“Goat Cheese” We went on an adventure today.  The Heart of Texas Franciscan fellowship had our monthly meeting at Heritage Homestead just outside of Waco.  We shared a meal together at the restaurant there; most of the food is grown by the community right there on the property.  We then moved outside to a picnic table under the trees to discuss the business of the day.  Once we were done with that, the real fun started for me.  We wandered…

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