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Category: Nature

A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A week ago today I spent an amazing Saturday with four awesome photography friends, and several supportive family members, on a photowalk at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  Most of us had never met before that day, yet from the moment that we all gathered at the front entrance to the gardens, it felt like we had been lifelong friends.  The excitement with which we all met that day was like a bunch of teenagers at a sleepover. With cameras around…

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Seven Days of Looking At Nature

Seven Days of Looking At Nature

Every now and then there is a photo challenge that goes around Facebook that challenges photographers to publish a nature photo a day for seven consecutive days.  In addition to posting a photo, you also nominate someone else to take on the challenge as well.  It is the 21st century incarnation of chain letters, but in the end you get to see lots of beautiful photographs. I was “nominated” to do this by someone back in February, but failed to…

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Fall and Incompetence

Fall and Incompetence

After what has seemed like an unnecessarily busy week, I finally had a few minutes to stop and take in what is passing at the moment for fall in Texas.  Though it is still hot, the trees are starting to lose their leaves.  The leaves themselves aren’t the beautiful yellows, oranges, golds, and reds like can be seen on the east coast, but if you catch the sun and the brown leaves at just the right time of day, the setting…

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An Object Lesson

An Object Lesson

I don’t like it when the universe feels the need to teach me a lesson somewhat subversively, but that is exactly what happened today.  For no reason that I can identify, I managed to leave the house this morning without my phone.  I realized this about half way to school.  On most mornings, we could have turned around and run home to get it, but today the traffic was terrible.  Weber would have surely been late for school had we…

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Optimistic Tuesday

Optimistic Tuesday

Despite the fact that we are two weeks into fall according to the calendar, the weather here has not gotten the official word.  Temperatures are in the 90’s and the summer annuals are still in full bloom.  The oak tree has dropped a few leaves, so I am being optimistic that sometime soon fall will arive in more than name! If you are interested, here is the link to today’s Tuesday in Texas post on Pixels, Plates, and LOLs.  Tracey…

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My Thursday’s are incredibly long days, beginning with my first class at 7:30 am and ending at 4 pm after a final composition lesson.  In between, I teach five different classes and two lessons.  The good news?  Unlike Wednesday’s, I actually have 30 minutes for lunch!  The thing that makes this tiring day tolerable is knowing that it is the end of my work week.  And, I have some awesome students. No one really wants to take (or teach) a…

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96/365-3 Bunch

96/365-3 Bunch

“A Bunch of Good Advice” I love it when the wisdom that I need in that moment comes to me while capturing my daily photo.  This little monkey is my inspiration for today.

94/365-3 Dappled

94/365-3 Dappled

“Dappled Duck” I went outside in the middle of the afternoon in the dappled light to shoot some photos of the newest irises to bloom in our yard.  I was surprised to hear this guy talking to himself as he strolled around the yard.  I’m not sure where he came from or where he was going.  The irises will be there tomorrow; I’m not sure about this dappled duck so he became today’s POTD. Here are a couple of shots…

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92/365-3 In the Sky

92/365-3 In the Sky

“In the Sky” Sometimes all you can do is tell yourself that tomorrow is another day.  This photo was supposed to be of the sun, but there was no sun in the morning before I started teaching at 7:30, and I missed the sunset.  I attempted the moon late at night.  It was windy and with the long lens this caused too much camera movement.  Oh well…the moon will be there another night.

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