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Category: music

55/365 For The Love Of Music

55/365 For The Love Of Music

“This Is Why We Sing” Music has been a huge part of my life since I started taking piano lessons at age four.  (If you are calculating, that is 47 years.)  I am very fortunate to have a job teaching music theory.  Though there were so many ways that I could have approached this prompt, I knew immediately that my photo of the day would somehow include Resounding Harmony.  Singing with RH is, to me, what music is all about….

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35/365 Beat

35/365 Beat

“Lifted Drum” “We lift our drums confidentlyor cautiouslyand begin to play loudlyor softlyWildlyor with reserveFrom the heartor from the headKnowing our place in the songor doubting ourselves.”

26/365 Passion

26/365 Passion

Passion for Rehearsing” It feels good to say that there are many things in life that I am truly passionate about.  However, when it came time to address “passion” photographically, I wasn’t sure where to go with it.  I am passionate about teaching, about music, about knitting, and about photography.  I couldn’t decide how to create an image of any of those things that would intentionally convey the same level of passion that I feel for them. I had a…

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6/365 With Words

6/365 With Words

“Words Not Required” Despite the fact fact that I am a musician by profession, I very rarely write about music here.  I’m not really sure why that is.  Perhaps it is because music is such a huge part of who I am that writing about it is like writing about stop signs or lane dividers on the road way; certainly every knows what it is and whit is here.  That is probably a terribly naive and unrealistic perspective on my part….

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Top Secret Mission

Top Secret Mission

So why was I at the mall again this weekend? I was on a top secret mission. No, I was not looking for a Christmas gift. And no, I have not finished Christmas shopping, but yesterday was not the day for that. Despite what you may be thinking, I was not checking up on Santa to make sure he was doing what he is supposed to be doing at this time of year. My assignment was to be in the…

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Saturday Chills

Saturday Chills

This first Saturday in November was a day, for me, that was marked by chills, all kinds of chills. The chills began at 7:30 am this morning when the alarm went off the first time. I was huddled under the covers, but I could feel the chill in the morning air. Harley and the kitten were strategically positioned under the covers as well. Harley was pushed up against me and the kitten found a warm spot between me and Weber….

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The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence

I have spent the last two evenings making a recording with our church choir. Early in May, we did a pretty hefty concert, sixteen pieces ranging from Latin motets of the Renaissance to pieces written within the last year. It was a fun concert to perform and was well received by those in the audience. In fact, the response was so overwhelming, that that was the impetus for the recording. That and the fact that we are trying to raise…

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