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Category: music

135/365-2 Relax

135/365-2 Relax

“Commencement” Obviously I forgot to post this last night. Commencement itself was not necessarily relaxing, but it signifies the end of the semester and the end of this school year, which means it also marks the beginning of a period of relaxation for me.  Yay! Though I can’t stand  Pomp and Circumstance because I have played it SO many times (and that was just last night, not all the many years previously),  I do enjoy playing for graduation.  It is a…

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112/365-2 Barbed

112/365-2 Barbed

“Barbed Beauty” I have become a huge fan of my Lensbaby lenses.  Fan may be an understatement; addict may be a better term.  And, my husband is an enabler.  He ordered me the Edge 80 lens, ostensibly for Mother’s Day.  It came last week and he gave it to me.  Sadly, I did not even take it out of the box until this afternoon. I think the fact that I am a musician, and therefore understand too well the discipline…

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15/365-2 In the Air

15/365-2 In the Air

“Blowing In The Wind” The recorder is a little more portable and much more forgiving when played outside than is the clarinet.    The creative juices were not flowing today.  I went with outside in the air and in playing the sound is all “in the air.”  A desperate attempt, but there you have it.

268/365 Notes

268/365 Notes

“Notes, Notes and More Notes” I like writing this kind of notes…not nearly as depressing as all of the notes that I have to write to myself so that I don’t forget what I’m supposed to do, where I’m supposed to do it and who I’m supposed to do it with or for.

166/365 From the Side

166/365 From the Side

‘Close Your Eyes, Mom!” I am definitely not skilled at applying make-up, especially the overdone make-up that is necessary when one is on stage under bright stage lights.  I had to enlist the girls as both consultants as to what to do and then have the do the application as well.  It took both of them working their magic to get it done. Today’s prompt’s title is a little misleading.  Though it only says from the side, the additional instructions…

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158/365 Three of a Kind

158/365 Three of a Kind

“Hope, Peace and Love” This is the bell tower at the Cathedral of Hope taken through a window from the Dallas Peace Chapel.   On the first Friday of each month, I play for a Taize service at the Peace Chapel.  It is a beautiful space in which to play as well as to just be.  I love playing for this service; even though I have to pay close attention because of my responsibilities as a musician, I am always…

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100/365 One Hundred

100/365 One Hundred

“One Hundred Cents” I remember when the girls were little and they celebrated the 100th day of school by taking one hundred items to school to share with their classmates.  One hundred pennies, paperclips, M&Ms, stickers, erasers, and so on.  When it came time for me to come up 100 somethings for my own project, I had to think hard.   Today became a music theorist’s idea for 100. Yes, I know that the piano has 88 keys, not 100….

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