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Category: music

Be Safe

Be Safe

I recently discovered something about myself and I’m not sure that I like it. On Monday, my youngest daughter sent me a text message saying that she was heading to Las Vegas on a last minute business trip.  My response to her was, “Be safe.”  Not, “Have fun.” or “Have a good trip.” or even “Win lots of money.”  But, Be safe. I looked back through my Facebook feed where I had recently commented on posts by friends who are…

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Another End

Another End

Today was the final class day of this semester. By this time next week, final exams will be over and another academic year will have come to an end.  I will have completed year twenty-five in the same teaching position. The music theory sequence is a minimum of four semesters of paired courses; it can be five if a student comes in needing to make up a deficiency.  Of those five courses, I teach four of them, all but the…

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Time Passages

Time Passages

Yesterday marked the year anniversary of my dad’s death.  In many ways it feels like just last week rather than last year, making me painfully aware of just how quickly time flies.  When I look back at my posts here as well as my own journaling, I realize that time really is the overarching theme in my life right now, with the majority of my thoughts being about how I spend what time I have. I am definitely one of…

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Wednesdays are long days.  The best I have to offer is my daily haiku… The season changes  Year’s perfect end approaching. Where is the weather? …and today’s photo taken very late tonight.  The prompt was “rushing.”  I rushed to get a photo taken while trying to get several others things done.

8/365-3 My Gear

8/365-3 My Gear

“The Write Stuff” By education and profession I am a musician (clarinetist and professor of music theory and composition). And obviously photography is a much loved hobby. But it is really the pencil that is the most important piece of gear I own. I use it to write music, to make performance markings, to take notes of all kinds, to journal, to underline important things in photography books and manuals. That pencil is truly the key to my success in…

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267/365-2 The Number 1

267/365-2 The Number 1

“Movement I” I was so focused on the “I” as the movement number that I failed to see all of the other numbers – the tempo marking, measure numbers, number of rests…I did crop this square, which removed the Op. 36, almost.

138/365-2 A Vision of Hope

138/365-2 A Vision of Hope

“Music for Hope” Today was a busy day, but a “good” busy day.  It was one filled with friends, food, family, a little shopping and music.  What it was not filled with was time for today’s photo.  In the few minutes that I was home in between shopping and leaving for the concert at church, I did think to put a generic lens on my camera and put it in my bag “just in case” there was something that would…

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