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Category: me

15/365-3 First Taste

15/365-3 First Taste

“Sunshine and Steps” Today was the first day that we have had a taste of sunshine in many days.  It is also the first day that I have ventured out for a “real” walk since before Christmas when I broke my leg.  It was so nice to get outside in some fresh, though brisk, air and get some exercise.  I so enjoyed my walk to the grocery store.  My leg was not as happy as the rest of me, but…

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8/365-3 My Gear

8/365-3 My Gear

“The Write Stuff” By education and profession I am a musician (clarinetist and professor of music theory and composition). And obviously photography is a much loved hobby. But it is really the pencil that is the most important piece of gear I own. I use it to write music, to make performance markings, to take notes of all kinds, to journal, to underline important things in photography books and manuals. That pencil is truly the key to my success in…

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